Chapter 8- "How important do you think YOU are?!"

Start from the beginning

My anger started to boil more and more as lunch neared. I knew it would go over the top when I saw him flirting with her. This was one of the rare times when I was glad to be hot-tempered. Gave me a huge edge in any fight. Nathan Cullen wasn't going home in one piece today. Definitely not.

The bell for lunch rang. My adrenaline levels were about to punch through the roof. Stuffing all my books into my bag, I ran out of fourth period English. I could see Scarlett walking to the cafeteria with Emmett and Adrian. A girl I didn't know along with Allie and Evan were walking behind me and Nathan was nowhere to be seen. I cursed my luck. Just the day I want that bespectacled dwerp to be with her, he's nowhere to be seen.

Just then, Nathan passed me, running. He had come out of English. With Mrs. O'Connell. Good going, Jonathan. The nerd was with you the whole of the past forty minutes and you do nothing. Can't you ever do anything right? I walked up to Nathan and started to say something but quickly decided against it. If I had to insult and fight him, I'd rather do it in front of Scarlett so she knows how much I love her. How much she means to me. And how sorry I really am. And that also means, I get to punch Cullen harder than ever. Because Scarlett is definitely going to be on my side once I tell her I love her. And to be honest, no one but Scarlett can make me stop punching him.

Nathan walked up to the tree under which Scarlett had decided to lunch today. This was an old habit of hers. She lunched outside when the weather permitted because Emmett loved it. And if Scarlett and Emmett both wanted something, the other three gave it. They were like the babies of the group. And Scarlett being Scarlett, would do anything for her best friends. Overcoming the gross feeling that insects gave her was just one of them. To be fair to her, she would have done anything for me also, had I not deserted her that way.

Just then Nathan said something that made them all laugh. Scarlett leaned in slightly and touched him. It was an accident. Just a small brush. But it was enough. I walked up there and pushed Nathan. He fell to the ground. Just then, a voice pierced through the air. It was the very voice I was in love with.

Scarlett bent down, picked Nathan up and enquired about his injuries just the way she used to about mine when I hurt myself playing football. Damn this girl! She would not let me be. Not unless I was with her again. Which is why I punched Nathan again. Red liquid trickled out of his nose. I felt satisfied. I was sucking the blood of this blood-sucker. Not sucking it actually, but yeah. You get the picture.

"Jonathan! Control your freaking hands. Get them off of him. Or else Emmett and I will fight you. Mind you, Emmett can throw some really good punches now." Evan screamed. Typical Evan. Always protective about Scarlett and the girls. More like a brother to everyone but Allie. Which is why I had no inhibitions with him talking to her. I knew she would never fall for him. If she even did by some freak chance, I knew she'd control her feelings for Allie. She'd do anything to save her friendship.

"Uh-huh! Can't you see you're hurting him? How important do YOU think you are? You think you can go around punching people you want? Stop! This instance." Adrian screamed.

"Nah, I'm having too much of fun. Punching pretty-boy Cullen is fun!' I said with an evil smirk.

"Punching for fun? What do you do for a living then, take drugs?" Allie demanded. I sighed. This wasn't fair. Everyone but the person I want is talking to me, acknowledging me. Scarlett is helping the nerd get up.

"Nah, you know me better than that Allie. Besides being sexy, I also play football and eat for a living." I said, honestly begging the stars that Scar gave me a sarcastic answer. Atleast that was acknowledging my presence!

"Yeah, and I punch a-holes like you for a living. Want a demo?" Emmett asked. He was getting angry now. If anything you should know, its that Emmett cares for Scarlett even more than he cares for Lauren. And anything that hurts her, hurts him. Obviously, hurting Nathan was hurting her, which in turn was hurting him. He's like really protective about her.

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