Jason fails as a brother.

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Third Person POV

Damian was having a bad day. First, he was having trouble tracking down Santa Claus. Second, he found out that Santa was mind controlling Grayson. Third, Todd was laughing at him. Laughing. It took all of Damian's self control and some scolding from the little voice in his head (which sounded suspiciously like Grayson) to avoid obliterating Jason right where he stood.

It hadn't taken much effort to gather information on Santa. All it took was a little web searching and asking around. It was almost like Santa was doing this to make him feel defeat. Mocking him with the fact that he had brainwashed the world to think of him as some sort of hero. It was unacceptable. 

After his visit to Grayson as a civilan, Damian rode back to the manor feeling miserable and angry. Dressed up as Robin, he then used the Bat Computer to track down Red Hood so that they could have a talk.

Todd was insufferable, Damian wondered what Grayson saw in him that made him worthy of loving. When Jason finally stopped laughing and looked at him again, he was sure that he was only going to be mocked further.

"You're right, Santa is a criminal. I've heard of him around these parts." He said, and though Damian couldn't see it, he was smiling evilly under his hood.

Jason POV

I was having the best day of my life. When demon brat showed up claiming Santa was a villain, it had taken all of my self control not to fall off the building laughing. Santa?! I mean come on!

I took deep breaths, trying to get myself to stop laughing. I couldn't mess up this golden opportunity. There were way too many beautiful good times that could come out of it.

"You're right, Santa is a criminal. I've heard of him around these parts." I said, smiling evilly underneath the hood.

"Tt. I suppose you are not completely worthless Todd. Tell me, do you know of Claus's plan?" He asked, barely able to hide his excitement.

Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Think about all the good pranks to pull with this.

"Yup. I even managed to get some intel on how he's going to go through with it." I said, putting all the conviction I could muster into my voice.

"Witnesses have stated that other than trespassing, Santa tries to molest parents. Obviously, he is going to go after Grayson." The demon stated.

"Dick? What's he got to do with this?" I asked curious. The demon simply raised an eyebrow.

Don't kill him. Don't kill him. A voice (which sounded suspiciously like Dick's) stated in my mind.

"Tt. Even Drake sees it. He is like the mother in this 'family'. And Santa would be an idiot if he thinks he can get better than Grayson." He explained.

"True." Dick was a very handsome guy, his personality made him one of the few tolerable members in the family, and also a favorite brother. "Now listen. I've heard stories about a prison he has in the North Pole. Every year, he searches for the perfect victim and if he finds one, he kidnaps them and drags them off to his lair." My plan was almost complete.

"W-what?" Damian stuttered, skin paling considerably. Huh. Who knew he could do that?

"I think I know a way to save him. But you have to listen very carefully." I whispered.

This was going to be so fun!

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