Chapter 20: Daisy and Rex new in town

Beginne am Anfang

Jackson: thanks and have a nice day

Cashier: you too Jackson

Jackson smile on the women that give him a good price for dealing with a famous Mr.Lance for him to have his own building company.

Jackson: what did you want Alex!!

Alex: how come did you have so much money to brought your own building and why are are you here at National City and who are they anywhere

Jackson: Bruce Wayne give me a check of money and they are my wife and my personal bodyguard

Rex: sir this women disturb you

Jackson: no need to waste your time on her just let go back home

Rex: as you wish sir

Jackson: let go back my love

Daisy: I'm coming honey

Alex saw that was look a like Lena Luthor but she is different from this Earth but why have two Lena on Earth-38.

Alex: this that Lena Luthor??

Daisy: sorry I don't know what are you talking about my name is Daisy 

Jackson: Rex let we get out from here I'm begging you

Rex: okay my lord hold tight you too Daisy

Jackson and Daisy hold tight on Rex body and we fly into the sky and Alex saw them vanished just like magic.

Alex: what the hell is going on here it just Deja Vu

Later Alex came to where is Kara and tell her what she saw it was Jackson and he bring someone with him.

Kara: why you take so long to get here you say 5 minute now is more than an hour

Alex: sorry I'm late I just saw Jackson with someone look a like Lena Luthor but her name was Daisy

Kara: what did you mean by that

Alex: we need to go to his apartment and see for yourself

Kara: okay but we need to buy Lena dress right after we to his apartment

Alex: okay fine let go buy for Lena dress

After a few hour shopping they were buy dress for Lena to wear at their dinner party and they go to Jackson apartment and Kara will get shocked if she find out that had two Lena Luthor on Earth-38.

Suddenly, Jackson apartment have a knock and Rex open the door saw a familiar faces on Kara and Alex.

Rex: please come in make yourself at home my lord there is someone to see you in the living room

Jackson: I'm coming

Kara: who are you and why she is look alike my girlfriend Lena

Rex: hello there my name is Rex I am Jackson personal bodyguard and she is Jackson wife her name was Daisy

Kara: her name was Daisy

Daisy: yes nice to meet you Kara Kor-El

Kara: how did you know my alien name

Daisy: because we from different Earth

Kara: you are not from here are you

Rex: Daisy that is enough go and sit on the sofa

Daisy: okay

She leave them and walk to the sofa and sit down and watch Tv and let them talk to Rex while Jackson is still his room for so long.

Jackson: sorry I was doing something at the back of something

Alex: so what she is look alike Lena

Jackson ignore Alex and talk to Kara.

Jackson: Kara what you bring here and you bring Alex with you

Kara: it not me who want to see you it all Alex idea I just want to company her but I have a special date with real Lena Luthor

Jackson: Kara you can go and bring your sister Alex with you

Kara: sorry to disturb you

Rex: Jackson!! your favorite tv show is coming next

Jackson: okay I'm coming

Kara: see you later Jackson

Jackson: you too Kara

Kara grab Alex hands and left the apartment and went to Lena office and surprise her with a gift that Kara buy for her dress that match with Kara.

The next morning at Kara apartment she wake up from her sleep and she was thinking that Jackson have exactly the same as Lena but went I saw her eye more to like rainbow around her beautiful hair that she have.

Kara: what a wonderful day *yawn*

Suddenly, Kara phone ring and it was Lena who is calling Kara and she answer Lena call.

Kara: hello??

Lena: Kara you need come to my office now

Kara: Lena are you okay?

Lena: I'm okay just you need to come here that is someone look just like me at my office with Jackson

Kara: okay I'm coming over there just stay put okay Lena

Lena ended her called and wait for Kara to arrive at Lena balcony and let her figure it out with Jackson and twins Lena at her office right now.

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