NINE: The Lord Of Reed

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Compared to Ishmar, Reed was tiny. All the buildings were made of stone and wood and had red-tiled roofs. Hidden in tall stone walls was the stronghold that housed the Lord of Reed and his family. The bland grey of the two towers mixed with the dark clouds and an ill feeling settled in Harudan's stomach at the sight.

Despite the grey and the wind and the storm that was about to start, people wandered the streets with smiles on their faces. They stopped and stared as the carriage rolled down the dirt streets, surrounded by knights on horseback. He doubted they knew who was in the carriage but they would know that it was someone important. He kept his face away from the window, not in the mood for the uproar his arrival would cause.

Jonin sat across from him, his sword in his lap. The man was ready for anything, but nothing would happen. Of that, Harudan was almost sure. Besides, it wasn't as though he couldn't fight. His father had made him learn and Jonin had given him extra training. He wasn't as good a fighter as his captain, but he could hold his own against a would-be assassin.

It had taken them a couple of days by carriage to reach Reed, which meant Lord Sedon had plenty of time to prepare for their arrival. Those couple of days had been filled with awkward silences and the longing to get out and stretch his legs. He hadn't brought any of his books with him, thinking that a little break might allow him to come back with a fresh mind. He hoped it would, anyway, he needed answers.

He still needed to figure out why the monk could do what he could do. It could have something to do with the crystal or it could be something else entirely. If he didn't figure it out, there was a chance he could still send Jonin to get Nerin back, but he would have to pray hard to Sol and Lune that it would actually work. He didn't want to sacrifice Jonin, not if it wouldn't result in anything. He knew Jonin would do it with little argument.

How could anyone fight against someone who wielded flames? An archer was an obvious choice, but if that wasn't available, what then? Even if they doused him in water, surely he would still be able to use his power. Even when he had fallen in the snow, Harudan had been able to use his well enough. The monk would probably be the same, which didn't bode well for them at all.

The monk was but one man and no one had seen any sight of him yet, so it could be that the only threat he would pose would be one to Nerin. The monk and the war were separate things and he would keep it that way.

Unless, of course, Princess Sharina decided to take him to Minisia and use him in the coming battles. Any normal person would assume that because he was a monk, he would also be a pacifist, but he had already proved that that wasn't the case. If he had to face him in battle, they would lose hundreds, if not thousands. They might even lose the war.

It gave him all the more reason to get Lord Sedon's men and figure out what the crystal did. He needed to get the advantage before the other side did. He wouldn't lose because he was too stupid to read properly. If only he could just convince Jonin that it was what they needed to do.

As if he knew Harudan had been thinking about him, Jonin looked up and met his gaze. "What are you thinking about? You're fidgeting," he said. With a frown, Harudan planted his hands in his lap. He hadn't even noticed he'd been doing it. It was something he only did when he was nervous.

"Nerin," he replied, his eyes flicking over to glance out the carriage window again.

Jonin hummed in response. "I should have tried harder," he said, sadness in his voice.

"No," Harudan said with a shake of his head. "You did all you could. He can look after himself. I'm sure they'll keep him safe for whatever they want to use him for."

"Have you ever considered the fact that maybe he's with them willingly?" Jonin asked. The words came out slow, tentative because he knew what Harudan's reaction would be.

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