An irresistible pull tugs you towards the girl on the ground, your leg starts misting, disappearing into thin air. What is happening? You scream as you feel your body disintegrate, piece by piece. Mists of yourself start absorbing into the girl on the ground. Tom's screaming, trying to pull you back, he shoots more web but they drop to the ground as the parts of you they touch disappear. You're being absorbed into the girl on the ground. The last thing you hear is Tom's scream, before the rip between the worlds crackles and dies, along with you.

Blinking, you're on your knees outside of the car in the current version of yourself, tears running down your face. Time moves normally again and Tom skids to a stop in front of you.

" What the hell just happened?" He breathes.

" Did you see that?" You choke out.

" Yeah, I was frozen mid run. But I saw everything play out in my mind... What the hell?" He sinks to his knees, hands gripping his hair.

Your stomach churns and you sob, realizing that you somehow absorbed the girl who saved your life. Is she dead? Did you kill her?


Abruptly you stop crying. " Did you hear that Tom?"

" Hear what?" Tom whips his head in alarm.

No, he can't hear me, unless I want him to. And no I didn't die. I was gone for a while though, lost inside you, dormant. But I'm still here.

" Oh my god, you're alive, " you cry in relief. Tom looks at you like you've grown a second head. The voice in your mind continues.

Yes, I am. I've been growing stronger for a while now. That's why I sent you dreams, trying to warn you of what's going to happen in the future, and to explain to you that I'm from one of the multiverses. I sent them to you and Tom. After all, he's my best friend... Well the one in my universe is.

" This is insane... how are you alive, but inside me? Is it your consciousness I'm talking to?"

It is my consciousness. I was gone for many years, absorbed by you, living through your eyes. But then I woke. I have your memories, and I remember who I am. The older you got the stronger I grew, but I'm not strong enough to separate from you yet.

" So the dreams came from you..."

Toms eyes widen at this news, and he crawls closer to you.

" What's going on Y/N?" he asks. You shake your head, holding up a hand.

Yes, the dreams did come from me. I can read the future, I know there will be attacks from my universe to yours. I manipulated the dream in part, where Tom told you it was the multiverse changing you. I created that part, to warn you.

" Were other parts of the dreams manipulated?" You frown.

No... The more your remembered the car accident when you absorbed me, the stronger I grew. But no I didn't manipulate anything else...

" So what happens when you get stronger? Will you be able to leave me?"

Yes, once I'm strong I'll be able to re-materialize, and return home... I miss my home so much.

" I'm sorry," you whisper.

It's not your fault. I couldn't let you die.

" Thank you for saving my life... Will it hurt when you leave me?"

The voice is silent in your head.

I don't know...

Your stomach churns anxiously.

If it hurts, I'll figure another way.

" Ok, what's your name?"

I'm, Y/N. Although from your memories, I can see that there are movies and comic books written about my universe... It's so strange because I don't know how that information got into your universe. But the names for these Marvel characters have been changed to different ones. In the comics from your world we're called Wanda Maximoff, and Scarlet witch. Well, we are Scarlet Witch in my world but our name isn't Wanda it's Y/N. Same for the Spiderman in my world, he's not named Peter Parker. He's Tom's dad... Tom inherited his abilities from his dad, so he might be the new Spiderman now...

" Wait, wait, so you're saying the Marvel Universe is real?" Your heart pounds.

Yes. It's the universe I came from. The people from the movies you've watched and the comics you've read, are all based on people from my universe. But the names have been changed in your universe for some reason... I don't know why.

" The Marvel Universe is real?" Tom hisses. Sweat breaks out on your neck as you try to comprehend this. It can't be real- it just can't!

It is, and it's my fault there are people getting abilities in your universe. I created a bridge when I merged with you. The stronger I get the more people merge from my universe into yours, into their alternate selves. Once I'm strong I need to separate from you, so I can return to my universe and stop this from happening.

You're reeling, stomach dropping away, like you've gone upside down on a roller coaster. So the Storm Lady- was actually Storm merging into her alternate self! And the guy that burst into flame at the bar was the Human Torch! And you are Scarlet Witch.

Tom doesn't know what to say, he's looking at you his eyes wide. He can't hear the conversation in your head.

Just touch a finger to his temple and the magic will tell him everything we just said.

Leaning over, you feel the scarlet energy charge down your arm and a tiny crackle shoots from your fingertip to Toms temple. His eyes glow red for a second, then understanding dawns on his face, as everything is relayed to him.

" The Tom Holland from the Marvel Universe, is actually Spiderman?" He splutters.

Yes. Destiny works in funny ways, you play the character Spiderman in this universe, because it was meant to be. But from my universe you are Spiderman. Well I imagine you are him now. You're father would've retired.

Toms mouth drops open. He can hear her, the voice inside your head. He knows everything.

I have to go now, this took a lot of strength for me to talk to you. But I'll be here, guiding you when you need me. We'll get through this.

Scarlet energy mists and snakes around you and Tom, transforming your surroundings again, until you're back in Toms bathroom. The tiles are cool on your scraped knees, and it's strangely quiet. You and Tom are on the floor, gaping at each other. 

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