71 Seeing her smile

Start from the beginning

I then saw Aoyama lifted to the air as he spins and shot lasers making him a disco ball.

So wait and see
What do they think of me?
Who they think I'll be?
I do not care less I don't wanna know
Am I doing right?
Am I satisfied?
I want to live my life like it's meant to be tried all my life
I try to find
Something that makes me hold on and never let go

I saw Todoroki launch his ice as Momo launch streamers

Hero too
I am a hero too

I then saw Kirishima running with a block of ice as it made some ice fog and Aoyama was was being pulled across as a moving disco ball.

My heart is set and I won't back down
Hero too
Strength doesn't make a hero
True hero stand up for what they believe
So wait and see
People will judge for no reason at all
Yeah damn I try to say your dreams dumb... Don't listen
They may look down on me and count me out
I'm going my own way
They may look down on me and count me out
I'm a hero Ive got music
Hero too
I am a hero too
My heart is set and I won't back down
Hero too
Strength doesn't make a hero
True hero stand up for what they believe
So wait and see
Yea I'll be
Hero too
I am a hero too
My heart is set and I won't back down

I saw Tsu swinging Uraraka as she was making people float.

Hero too
Strength doesn't make a hero
True hero stand up for what they believe
So wait and see

I looked at Eri and I could believe what I'm seeing she's smiling!

Kouta and Mirio mind:She smiled...!

I have met so many heroes in my life
Gave me strength and the courage to survive
Gave me the power to smile everyday
Now it's my turn to be the one to make you smile!

Small Timeskip

Eri and I were seeing 1-bs play and I have no words to describe it. I saw Monoma blocked a sword slash from Tetsutetsu

Monoma: My name is Romeo! Ghost of Azkaban, count Paris! Return Juliet to me!
Tetsutetsu: Romeo... you heard about your father from Gandalf, right? That he was the king of Gondor. That was a lie. I am your father.
Monoma: You're lying!

I can hear the audience gasp after that play Eri and I step out and went to explore the rest of the festival I can hear the other students talking about the play and my class performance man they're so freak out about it I'll give these wannabes credit they do know how people shock I saw the audience giving praise to my class even to 1-bs I guess it all worked out in the end and the best part I saw someone smiling though I heard rumors by the end there was gonna be a concert but not by my class but from someone else guess we have to wait for the end. Eri and went to go see the beauty pageant and we saw kendo chopped 4 wooden plates in one swip, we then saw Bibimi riding on some kind parade float I believe that was the shape of her head and in gold. Finally we saw Nejire as she floated up in the air and use her quirk to make a rose and I could that her eyes got wider and her smile wide as if she saw someone who she was glad to see. Passing by many food courts buying different meal I saw a smile on everyone's faces this was something I believe Izuku would've love to see, I surprise Eri by buying her candy apples as it was kind of funny seeing her drool about it. People even were around the Justice buster as I couldn't help but hear that the machine was made from both Nightwing and someone name Melissa shield. I wonder who that is? At 5 the result of the beauty pageant is Nejire won. And then as the festival was nearing to close everyone went back to the gym to see the last performance.

As we walked in I saw my class all together and I saw Nejire and the 1-b girls with red faces and holding flower in their hands maybe it was gift from someone for their performance. The lights went out again and the spotlight showed and I saw a very familiar person on the stage as I looked at Eri who's smiling grew.

3rd person POV

Izuku: I've decided I will follow my heart
Promise yours will always be right near me

Kouta couldn't believe that Izuku actually made it with his blue guitar in his hands and he saw red hood with his helmet of and playing the drums

Izuku:What if you could take the chance to save a life
But you-
You could only save them by losing everything
If I could go back and give up everything I had
I would never hide my scars for anything
No, not for no one
It's so hard to walk on water every day
If I fall
You know I would swim through oceans of my tears to be with you
Say goodbye
I don't have the strength to let it all end
I would give all and everything if we could mend
All I wanted was you to stay and not disappear
I've decided I will follow my heart
Promise yours will always be right near me

People all around was cheering as they couldn't believe that the Nightwing can actually sing and saw red hood playing the drums. Ochako has a smile on her face as she listen to Izuku's lyrics she can tell that he made this song for her and everyone else. As for Kouta  he saw Izuku signal him to come up at stage Kouta pulled out his grabbling hook and swung as to the stage as Izuku threw him the microphone and he caught it as he landed on stage and face the crowd but looked at Eri

Kouta:It feels like every day I'm fighting for my life
But I
I'm never backing down
I'm gonna prove I'm strong for you
I don't think I'm afraid at all to lose and fail a fight
I was always so afraid I might be losing you

Izuku & Kouta I won't say I die
You won't ever see me running away
'Cause this life
It meant more to me than everything
All I ask
Stay right next to me and don't disappear
I've decided that I won't give up on my heart

Both Ochako and Eri had blushes on their face as their boys were sing for them

Izuku & Kouta I'm not strong for the power
Or the fame or the glory
Those don't mean a thing
I just wanted to be stronger
So I could hold you closer
Next to me
Even if I end up losing everything

Kouta:I won't ever forget I had you

Izuku & Kouta: Say goodbye
I don't have the strength to let it all end
I would give all and everything if we could mend
All I wanted was you to stay and not disappear
I've decided I will follow my heart
Promise yours will always be right near me
Even in the darkest night I feel your heart

Izuku: It lights my way

Izuku & kouta: Light my way

Everyone cheered for the performance of the dynamic duo.

To be continue....

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