002 (The Night of the Comet)

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Elena Gilbert writes in her diary for a while after getting dressed for her school day. She writes:

Dear Diary, "this morning is... Different. There is change. I can sense it, feel it. For once, I don't regret the day before it begins bevauxe I know I will see him again. For the first time in a long time, I feel good."

Elena closes the green bound book before she exits her bedroom, ready to start her day, and she bumps into her aunt Jenna. Jenna is in a rush to get ready for something.

"Do I look adult?" Jenna asks her niece. "As in respectfully parental?"

"Depends on where you're going," Elena replies simply, she eyes the door that belongs to Rowen's bedroom and sighs; she is livid her twin sister ran off.

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference," Jenna replies to her niece, who is ten minutes older than Rowen. "Hair up or down?" The ginger pulls her hair up.

"Sexy stewardess," Elena says and Jenna lets it back down. "Boozy housewife."

"Up it is," Jenna says as she pulls her hair up. "You're feisty today."

"I feel good, which is rare," Elena admits. "So I've decided to go with it. Fly free, walk on the sunshine, and all that stuff... Where's Jeremy?"

"He left early," Jenna reploes. "Something about getting to wood shop early." There's a pause. "There is no wood shop, is there?"


"I might stump your mood," Jenna says as she looks directly at Elena.

"With what, Jenna?" Elena asks. "What's wrong?

"I talked to Rowen the other day, she answered my skype call," Jenna explains. 

Elena's face pales. "Is she good?"

Jenna nods. "She's happy wherever she is. Rowen wouldn't say where she is but she was glowing, baking brownies, too."

"She always was the cook," Elena mutters. "Stupid girl ran away."

Rowen is straddling Elijah, who is day on the new leather  couch Marcus bought. This girl is why Elijah hasn't went searching down his brother. Rowen is a doppelgänger, a key to helping his brother break a curse.

Elijah won't give Rowen up.

Rowen places her hands on either side of Elijah's face, smiling affectionately. The original vampire leans up and he kisses her deeply. Rowen whimpers into the kiss as her fingers stroll through Elijah's messy hair, he has yet to get ready for his day. He is only in some beige trousers and a grey T-shirt. And Rowen admits, this man looks absolutely breathtaking. 

Elijah pulls away and he faxes up at her. "You should get logged into your class, your course begins soon."

Rowen kisses Elijah once more before climbing off, sitting on the couch. She grabs her laptop from the glass coffee table and she sits with her feet tucked beneath her legs and her back agaisnt the couch as she pushes the computer open.

"I have to get ready," Elijah says and he kisses the top of Rowen's head. "I will return, my darling."

When Elijah vanishes upstairs, Rowen continues logging into the online schooling. Rowen has no idea which school it is, Elijah enrolled her. All Elijah let her in on is that the school is in Manhattan, New York and that it's a high school.

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