001 (Pilot)

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        Rowen and Elijah have been living together for four months now, ever since he took the girl in. Elijah has himself a home in Manhattan and it is much safer for Rowen to be with him than on the streets. The pair are kind of together; it took a little bit.

Rowen kind of accidentally caught Elijah in the act of 'eating ' someone. The original vampire was startled by the fact Rowen had seen him in his true nature, but was surprised when she wasn't alarmed. She wanted him, she liked him first. It took Elijah a while but after a couple months, Elijah gave into the temptation.

Rowen is dancing around the living room with a bottle of expensive borubon while Elijah is reading some family things in the study of the home. Rowen takes online classes for one of the high schools in Manhattan.

"Rowen," Elijah says in annoyance as he vamp speeds I to the room. "Turn that music off!"

Rowen kicks her lips and she looks at her vampire boyfriend. More like MAN. Elijah grins at her as he sees the adoration in her eyes, he's glad she isn't totally hammered like she normally is after a course.

"Please, darling," Elijah pleads with bright brown eyes. "I'll feed off you again."

"But I don't want you to," Rowen muses as she rubs the scar that's scabbing over. "I want to lose it."

Elijah knew exactly what it was, Rowen meant herb virginity. Elijah said when she was really ready and positive this is what she wanted, he'd do it.

"Are you sure?" Elijah asks as Rowen finally turns the music down. "Because if you're not..."

"I'm sure, Elijah," Rowen says sharply, cutting the vampire off as she removes her low cut shirt, smiling. "Come on, El."

Elijah vamp speeds up until he is right in front of her but there is a clearing of the throat. Elijah growls, he wishes sometimes he never saved the homeless man as Rowen pleaded.

"What is it, Marcus?" Elijah sneers as he looks at the man; the vampire took the homeless man after Rowen pleaded and cried for hours, Marcus cleans for a warm place to sleep and a bed.

"I... I have that appointment today," Marcus replies

"Go, go," Elijah says and Marcus hurries out, the vamoire turns back to the stunning doppelgänger before him. "Now..." a smirk forms on the vampire's attractive face. "Where were we?"

When Elijah leaves for whatever it is he does during rainy days on the town, Rowen turns the music back up and heads to the kitchen, she is sore. Elijah did as promised and waited, now Rowen is no longer a Virgin.

Rowen reaches and grabs a box of brownie mix and she grins. Her phone lights up, a Skype call. Rowen sees her aunt's face. The Gilbert frowns, she hadn't heard from Jenna since the funeral, before she ran. Rowen presses the accept button before moving toward the fridge.

"Rowen?" Jenna's worried voice fills the town house with ease, Jenna's voice tends to carry when she is worried.

"I'm here!" Rowen calls before reappearing before the camera, her hair is now in a messy bun.

"Oh, wow..." Jenna breaths as Rowen begins making the brownies. "You look great, Ro."

"How's Jeremy?" Rowen asks; she doesn't ask about Elena because even though they're twins, they're not close - not even before the acccudnt, Elena didn't like her because Rowen was dating the 'hottest boy in school', Tyler Lockwood, Rowen dumped Tyler before running away to New York.

"He's.... coping," Jenna says, she sighs in exasperation. "He's turned to drugs, I swear. He hangs around Vicki Donovan."

"Bad influence," Rowen muses and hears the door open, Elijah's home.

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