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After the bump in with dad- I mean Jackson, I head straight (gay) to the bus stop to head to my new school. I was a bit nervous since I didn't know what type of people where going to be at that school. But me being me I brushed it off and planned to be alone for the rest of the school year and be a total loner. I sit on the cold seat, waiting for the bus to come and pick my lazy butt up. The school wasn't that far away, I was just to lazy to walk there, then having to walk the whole school one I get there. Like, why in the world would I do something like that. On the bus, its quicker and save me energy. Isn't our generation the best?

I pull out my phone from my back pocket along with my earphones. since I'm to broke to broke to buy airpods. They are so expensive and can get lost easier anyway so even if I was rich I'd still wear my earphones. I continue to think about useless things like my life as I wait for the bus. It seemed like I was thinking for to long as the bus had stopped in front of its stop. Grabbing my bag, I walk up to the bus and heads to the back, taking a seat at the somewhat empty bus. A few teenagers as well as adults, where on the cold bus seeming like they where heading to either school or work. Heading ALL the way to the back of the bus I take a seat, and closes my eyes just as the bus makes it was to the next too.

~Time skip to the school~

I head off the bus and looks at the way to big school. 'Rich people always going all out.' I say in my head as I shake my head, Walking closer to the school I started to notice some of the stares I got. I look down waking to the front desk that happened to be there right when I walked into the building. At the desk held a middle aged women who could most likely be my grandma. But anygay, I stopped in front of the desk clearing my throat to gain her attention. ''Um hello, I'm Mark Tuan and I am supposed to be starting here today?'' I say a bit nervously rustling with my backpack a bit. The lady types something into the schools computer and doing some boring stuff before handing me some papers that I took. ''This is your schedule for the rest of the year and a map of the school. Your first class starts in half an hour so get used to the school before class. If you don't have any questions please get on your way.'' She says in a somewhat bored tone not even once looking up at me. I roll my eyes already done with her crinkled tiddies mood. I look over the school map as well as schedule, and it looked like my first class was going to be on the 3rd floor with Mr. Lee at room #306. I walk down the hall, looking around the huge school. ''Why such a big school? They couldn't make it a smaller school so its easier to get around? Aish, rich people always doing the most!'' I whisper shout ruffling my hair frustrated walking down the hall.


Hello my loves! Did you enjoy the chapter? I know the chapter is short but please bear with my writing style. I hope I can bring you guys longer chapters and much better content in the future but for now tis is what you all get. Please vote, comment and share this story with your friends! Please also read my second story! I'm very proud of that book and I hope you guys enjoy and show that book love just as you guys do for this one! XOXO IM OUT~!

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