Chapter 1

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Hello I see your here for a chapter so here you go XOXO

Mark POV**

may 9 2019

This month has been terrible for me even though it just started.

First I lost my favorite book.

  Second Is that my boyfriend of 2 years, Nick was cheating on me for the past 2 months.
I probably would have never found out he was cheating on me if it wasn't for my early shift at work. I went to see him at his apartment, and caught him having cheating on me with my EX best friend.
I couldn't believe it and I still can't believe he could do something like that to me, after all we've been through.

Oh and Third I'm Moving to Seoul Korea because of my dad's job. I'm happy for my dad since this was a great paying job, and could change his life forever. But I'm also very disappointed about having to leave my friends and most importantly LA. After living there for most of my life I got extremely attached to the city. Now I have to leave and start a whole new life somewhere I never been.

"Honey the moving truck it here so hurry down please!" My mother  called or what you can say 'Yelled' from down stairs. I sigh as finish packing my last box full of clothes. I took one last glance at my now old room and gets up of my bed and walks downstairs with my suitcase in hand. As I made it to the living room with my suit case, I seen people walk into the house picking up boxes and going back out to load up the moving van.

I look for my parents who I found outside talking to who I presume was one of the movers. I make my way over to them as I seen the mover just walked away from them and went back to moving boxes into the truck.

"He sweetie." My mother greeted me with a warm smile I That always loved.

"Hey mom, are we good to go?" I asked as we are taking a plane to Seoul.
"Yes we are, we just got to get are things from inside and call a taxi."
She said and I nod. She gave me a small hug as she and my father walk back into the house,leaving me to stare at the house.

I hope you like my first chapter! I am looking for help with my story so if you have any ideas please message me and I'll get back to ya! Xoxo
❤️ 💜

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