"Wow. That's a great idea actually. Who thought of this?" I asked.

"The girls." Fai said and hand me the iPad he was holding.

"We put all our ideas in there so now Y/n/n, all you have to do is to type all the materials we needed there and then we can get started." Zayn said and gave my shoulder a squeeze.


Gigi's PoV

We are currently in New York for our last photoshoot this week and Bella can't stop whining for goodness sake.

"Gigiiiii, my legs are killing me." She said as she hold onto Taylor's shoulder.

"What do you want me to do? Carry you?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Uh duhh." She said seriously and stared at me.

"No way, Bells. Besides, Ken is finishing up, just wait." I told her causing her to nod with a sigh.

"Hey, girls. Thanks for waiting. Let's go?" Kendall asked as we all grab our bags.

"Yes, I'm dying from boredom." Taylor said as we walked out of the building with paparazzi's up on our ass..not literally tho.

"Random question," Vanessa said as soon as we got into the car. "Do flies fuck?" She asked.

"This bitch..why would we know?" Bella said causing us to snicker.

"I don't know, maybe becaus-"

"Are you hungry?" Bella cuts her off.

"Not reall-"

"Yes you are so let's just go to a drive-thru and I'll buy you any food you want, okay?" Bells told her causing Vanessa to shut up as we drive towards mcdonalds.

"Girls, Travis just texted me asking if we want our own office at the club, what do you guys think?" Hails asked.

"I never thought of that but I'm down." Ken said causing all of us to nod too.

"But where are they gonna do that?" I asked.

"..uhh," Hails said as she typed on her phone. "Travis said that they're gonna hire someone to destroy the place to make an underground office."

"So they'll do something like a full makeover? But a building of course." Kylie said.

"Yep. We'll see it next month since the guys said they wanted to impress us or whatever shit they're up to.." Hails said causing us to laugh.

"They better do something decent while we let them do the work." Vanessa said causing Tay to look at her.

"How about you do the same, Nessa. Instead of asking us every goddamn day if all bugs fuck." Taylor said bluntly causing us to burst out laughing.

"Geez.." Vanessa mumbled making Tay give her a look. "Fine, Tay. I just wanted to know...wait, last question."


"Why am I single? I'm amazing as fuck, why wouldn't anyone date me?" Vanessa asked making Kendall snicker.

"Because you always reject them and say you're not ready and shit.." I told her causing her to stare at me and mumble an 'oh'

"Really? I said that?" She asked making us laugh and nod. "How about you?"

"Nahh, I'm not interested in every person who asks me on dates. I don't know why but I hate it when new people are around me, they ruin my vibes." I said truthfully making them nod in understanding.

"That's alright, Gi. We know it didn't end well with him, so I think you're trying to be more careful now." My sister said making me smile at her.

"I am..I don't want anyone hurting me again like he used to. I can't even make physical contact with anyone without flinching or getting tense, it's getting on my fucking nerves." I sighed.

"Don't worry, babe. He's in jail now, you don't have to be scared about him coming back anymore. And I'm sure those traumatic situations will end soon." Kylie said with a comforting smile making me give her a wink and a smile back.

It's been 3 minutes with a comfortable silence surrounding us when suddenly-

"Who wants to have a threesome with Taylor and I?" Kendall suddenly asked making our eyes widen and Taylor to turn a deep shade of red.

"Kendall!" Taylor said and slapped her on the arm. We were expecting her to argue with Ken but then again-


"You didn't inform me." Tay said normally making us look at them unbelievably.

"I can't with you two.." I shook my head at them.

"We were just fucking with you guys, we didn't really fucked or done something...yet." Ken said with a smirk causing Tay to roll her eyes at her with a laugh.

"Ew, eeew! Stop talking dirty, you're gonna fuck my head up." Bella said and fake gagged at them.

"Stop acting innocent, Isabella. You're literally the freakiest in bed." Vanessa said, looking up from her phone making Bella glare at her.

"Shut the fuck up and just continue doing researches about bugs, Moe." Bella said causing Nessa to nod and continue tapping on her phone.

I laughed at them and can't help but think..

What did I do to deserve them? I'll be dead for sure if it weren't for them stopping him before he end everything for me.

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