"Yes. Why?" 

Eunwoo smirked, "Nothing. He looks cool. He's been Lisa's partner in dancing since last year, by the way." 

"So I've heard.." I grinned. "Now can you please eat your food now?" 

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot." He took his food from the tray once again and ate it. "Stay for dinner. I'll come back to the dorm with you right after." 

"Guess I can't say no to that, can I?"

"You can't." 

"One last question. what do you think V will react if I tell him about us?" 

"I think he'll accept our situation. Maybe even help us.." 

"You sure? Cause I'm not sure about that." 


"I mean, I'm not sure with a lot of things. I'm not even sure we can pull this through. But I'm sure of my feelings for him and i don't want to lie to him anymore." I said, "Do you think he'll leave me after I tell him?" 

"I don't think so." He gave me a half smile. "It's my first time seeing him with an actual facial expression rather than his usual blankface when he's with you. The guy's definity into you." 

I bit my lip to hide my smile, "Really?" 

"Yeah. It's not that hard to fall, anyway." 

"Thank you, Eunwoo." 


Days have gone by without Lisa talking to me. It wasn't until one night, when V decided to walk me to our dorm room after studying at the rooftop, that made me mad. 

"You're locked out?" V asked when I couldn't open the door. 

"Jennie told me that Lisa's the only one left studying when she's about to sleep. She said she told Lisa to wait for me until I get back." 

"Lisa didn't." 

"I guess she fell asleep while studying." 

"This is get out of hand. I think Lisa's being too hard on you now." V stated with knitted eyebrows. 

We both sat down outside our room, waiting for someone to open the door. As we waited, both of us played online games with our phones, took photos, and talked about how we think there's a rabbit on the moon. 

"It's funny since I also said the same thing to Jimin when we were just kids. He kept on telling me not to tell him weird things like that." V laughed heartily, "And now I have you, who coincidentally thinks the way I do about the rabbit and the moon." 

"Jimin's boring, I guess?" I giggled. 

"An-" V didn't get to finish his statement when his face suddenly scrunched. "Ah...ah…"

"What's wro-" 

"CHOO!" a loud sneeze from V echoed throughout the corridor, I'm surprised no one shouted from inside the rooms to tell him to shut up. 

"That was the loudest sneeze I've ever heard." I said, half amazed, half weirded out. "I wonder if…" My sentence isn't even finished yet when someone from my unit opened the door, revealing Chaeyoung.

"Who on earth sneezed?" Chaeyoung whined, rubbing her eyes. She's too cute!! 

"Sorry" V apologized, "Not sorry since we've been waiting here outside for an hour already."

"Oh! Lisa didn't ope-" Chaeyoung stopped herself from spewing more words, and looked at the girls inside the room before looking back at us. "She slept without waiting for you. Ugh. That girl. If this is her way of healing, then it's not okay with me." 

"See? Even Chaeyoung thinks Lisa's being immature." V held my arm, "You need to talk to her soon, Chi, before she does something she might regret." 

"Alright. I'll talk to her tomorrow." I said, "Now go to your room, Taetae." 

"Good night, Chichi." He kissed my forehead. "See you tomorrow." 

"Good night, Taetae." I waved a hand, "Thanks for staying with me outside." 

"Anything for you, Chichi." He winked at me before turning on his heel to walk towards the boys' area in the dormitory. 

"Still haven't told him?" Chaeng asked as we went inside our room

"yeah. I need more time, that's all."

"Just remember that I'm here for you whatever happens after that, okay?" she hugged, "I'm going back to sleep. Nightie, Chooya!"

"Sleep tight, Chaeyoungie." 

Before going to sleep, I prayed that I'd receive some miracle that will help me with my problems.

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