The phrase spikes something in Ox as they arrive at their destination. Lou's mansion.

The gauntlet is right next to it. Ox eyes it for a moment before turning to the leader.

"I know." Lou puts him down on the couch. "I just...snapped for some reason."

"I don't blame you." The leader replied and puts a bandage on the bunny's arm. There is a near broken bone there. "To be honest, I laughed my head off. I hate this batch anyway. Except you."

Ox feels a blush come on his face and turns it away. The leader has that affect on him.

He scratches his arm as it itches, Lou grabs his hand. "Don't, you'll only make it worse."

The leader looks at him with a mixture of emotions. Anger, worry, happiness, a hint of love.

Fuck, he wants to spend the night again. To be in the leader's arms and maybe have some fun.

"I know you worry." Ox whispers, and climbs onto Lou's lap. "It's cute in a way that you rescued me. I am grateful...can I spend the night again?"

"Ox." He hisses. "You know you can't, it's too risky."

The leader doesn't push him off though, he seems to want the same. Like his body and mind were clashing.

He sighs. "Please, leader. I...I can't be alone again."

Ox's selfish side comes to play. The curtains are open, but he grabs the leader's face to meet his.

Their only inches of each other. Their lips can just connect.

Lou gives into temptation as his body wants this, his mind protests, but he doesn't care.

Their lips clash, and Ox knows he has won. The factory has no power over them here.

He had the leader under his command now.

Ox smiles as they part. He smirks. "Thank you."

Lou stares at him, but Ox can see the message in his eyes.

Thank you for staying.

The sound of the machines bring him out of it. The whirling and crashing of it makes him nervous.

I don't like this.

The memories of the place make Ox's fear try to come to fear again, but the green bunny remains in place.

He can't let it fool him anymore. The fear can't possess him.

"Ox?" Luckybat looks at him with those damn blue eyes. "Are you alright?"

God, why does Luckybat have to be so damn irritating? Ox knows that he cares, but still...

"Yes." He answers with a thin smile. "Yes, I am."

It's instinctual you say that. A phrase invented by time.

Nobody can know how he really feels inside.

Deep down, Ox is broken and messed up.

"Welcome, everyone!" A speaker shouts. It is so loud. "To the institute of perfection, everyone of you will be dolled up into the correct category!"

They still use that? Ox rolls his eyes as they walk. Seriously, they couldn't change it at least for once.

The factory has either fallen downhill since he left or Ox's memory is just bad.

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