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Grace looked at the time, "We have, like, five minutes until next period. What class do you have next?"

“Nothing too important,” he said with a small glance out the window. “What’s fun to do in this school anyway? Or is it all classes for you people?”

The girl followed his gaze and shrugged. “There’s plenty of fun here. Care for a tour of the auditorium? No one’s ever in there next period.”

Kit finished his apple and looked back at Grace, "That sounds like it'd be fun."

Grace nodded, "It will be. Oh, but if you have english with Ms.Dawson, I wouldn't agree with ever skipping that class. She's nuts."

“Believe me, I  heard. I sat in her classroom for about five minutes this morning before the entire class hoarded around to fill me in on how horrible she is,” Kit agreed.

“Well,” Grace intoned with a small bat of her eyelashes - which she had basically perfected - “Are you going to walk with me or what?” She stood from the table, leading the way out of the cafeteria, past the streaming people.

Kit followed her easily, not wanting to lose her in the crowd. After all, her navy dress shirt had a way of blending into the crowd, even if the girl herself never could.

The blue eyed girl led without looking behind her even once, knowing inherently that the handsome boy was behind.

When Kit stepped into the auditorium, he looked around in awe. The place was giant, in all honesty. He was pretty sure he had never been in an area so big, for such a small school.

Grace took in his awe and nodded smugly. “Pretty impressive, huh? We got the new stage last year. My uncle helped fund it.”

"My last school, our auditorium was like, half of this size and no one went in there unless they wanted to have sex somewhere. It was pretty gross." Kit shuddered.

“Well I guess you’re lucky that no one’s had time to break in the revamped place yet,” she smirked, coming off as more playful than serious.

"Except us, right now." Kit raised an eyebrow.

“You bet,” she laughed, walking to an empty (well, they were all empty) seat and getting comfortable, not unlike someone used to this action. She rested a hand on the seat next to her and glanced up at Kit, waiting for him to take the invitation.

Kit took a seat on the stage instead of sitting next to Grace, wanting to be able to look at her face to face, "Tell me something about you."

Grace worried on her lower lip, unsure of what she wanted to share. She didn’t exactly have a dramatic life. “Well, I’ve lived here my whole life. Born and raised.”

"I want to know more, tell me something about you, personally." Kit said.

“I like to read,” she said easily, folding her hands in her lap as a sign of comfort. “I read a lot, actually.”

Kit gave her a look, and tilted his head to the side, "That sounds interesting, but I want to know something personal, I told you why I left, well, sort of told you why."

“I don’t really have that interesting of a life,” Grace chided, looking at him expectantly. “I’m not going to play guessing games. What do you want to know about me?” She looked at him kindly to show that she didn’t mean it in a harsh way.

"I don't know, I just want to know you. Every girl here has surrounded me because of my looks, you, not so much...Why did you come up to me?" Kit bit his lip.

“Okay,” she said, nodding. “That’s easy. I can explain that.” Grace looked up at him, intensity in her gaze. “I wanted to talk to you. You seemed infinitely more interesting than just a cute guy.”

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