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Grace Bertrand should have worn better shoes today.

She knew that it was a Thursday, and Thursday meant heels for the group she hung out with, but she'd be damned if she didn't regret it. In fact, her best friend was already talking her ear off about how her fashion sense was impeccable today, and how she was a style inspiration - and lifestyle inspiration, honestly - to the entire school. Grace didn't care.

She supposed it was a good thing that she looked flawless today, seeing as the rumor of the day seemed to be that there was a new student. Apparently, he was cute. And a Junior, like Grace. Not that she was looking for a boyfriend, but cute guys were never a bad thing in her book.

Cute boys and four-inch heels did not mix. Well, they did most of the time. Except for the fact that when Grace was sleepily readying for the long day ahead, she didn't consider the possibility of meeting someone who she would be willing to run down the school corridors with.

So when she caught sight of the boy, her first thought wasn't anything like, "he's hot," or "I'm going to climb him like a tree," but rather, "I'd like to have a conversation with him." Because, Jesus, it was his first day and he had girls crawling all over him (rightfully) but he smiled at every single one. And it wasn't the smile of a cocky guy who knew all the right moves, no, it was the polite smile of a boy who just wanted everyone to be happy.

And maybe that's exactly what Grace Bertrand needed to start looking for.

Speaking of catching his eye, she was only all the more intrigued when the seemingly kind boy looked her way. As formerly mentioned, he was quite literally being swamped by girls, and yet he looked up. When he did, brown eyes met blue, the rich earth meeting the fierce ocean.

In the school, there was a strict rule against leaving the cafeteria or surrounding areas during your lunch period. Grace had never been one to follow rules, and judging by the look on the new guy's face, he hadn't either. There had to have been a reason for him to switch schools so abruptly in the tail end of the first quarter. Yes, there had to have a been a reason there. Something behind the smiling eyes and laughs that ignited bottle rocket fires in her cerebellum.

And she was determined to find out what. So Grace did the unthinkable (to all of her friends, in all honesty) and decided to get up, mid-conversation with her "friend" Robin to go find out what was up with this new kid. Grace was never one to approach guys, they approached her. Very few guys did have the guts to talk to Grace, her intimidating smile made every guy nervous. When Grace sat down at the new kid's table, all the girls scattered, leaving him and her alone.

Grace smiled at him and put out her hand. "Hi, my name is Grace."

He took her hand and shook it, "Kit. Kit Walker." He gave a sheepish grin to her. Obviously this girl was something special in the school, and he was intimidated by her confidence. However, she was just sitting there. Just smiling - it was beautiful and perfect, just like the rest of her. If Kit was nervous, he wouldn't show it. Bluffing was his life-raft.

The girl nodded at the empty space in front of Kit. "No lunch?" she asked, tilting an eyebrow (that was on fleek tbh) up at him playfully. He shook his head and handed him an apple from her bag. Grace adjusted her shirt slightly. "So. Kit Walker. Tell me about yourself."

"Well, what would you like to know?" Kit asked, and took a bite of his apple.

"Well, you have the whole 'mysterious guy who definitely drives a motorcycle in his spare-time' routine down," Grace said nonchalantly, with the small flip of a curl. "You prompt a lot of questions."

Kit gave a small laugh, "Well for one, I can't drive a motorcycle." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess that determines the first question," she smirked. "Why can't you drive a motorcycle? Is it bad balance, bad driving skills, or a combination of the two?"

"More like, I don't have my motorcycle license, therefore, I cannot drive a motorcycle."

Grace shrugged. "Fair enough, I guess. So...what's your deal? Where are you from?" Subtlety had never been her strong suit.

Kit bit his lip, (which Grace's inside basically melted at) "I'm from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Um, I had trouble at my old school, and my family wanted to start over, thus leaving me here. In Seattle."

Grace nodded, accepting this as a good answer. "What was Florida like?"

"Warm, sunny. Beaches. The usual." Kit shrugged, "Nothing interesting."

"So what do you think of Seattle so far?" she asked, sensing that there was more to Kit's story then he let on, but she decided to drop it, not wanting to intrude on the first day of knowing him. "It can be a pretty nice place, I think."

"It's wet, rainy, no beaches." Kit laughed, "I like it.. it's a big change from walking outside and it being like ninety degrees every single day."

"I mean, who even cares about the sun?" she said, letting out a small huff of laughter. "If you find the right people, even the rain can be an adventure," Grace mused.

"Does it rain, like every single day here?" Kit took another bite of his apple, "I don't know if I can handle that."

"Only all year," she grinned warmly. "You'll get used to it, don't worry."

Kit nodded, "Does this mean I'll have to invest in some rain coats and boots? I'll probably have to throw out my beach towels right?"

"You never know, if it floods enough maybe we could go swimming," Grace laughed.

"Sounds wonderful," Kit smirked

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