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Zak, the boys and I ran to the living room where Grayson was not in visually seen pain. Nothing was wrong, so why did Gracie freak out like that. I walked over to Grayson and immediately called the guys over.
"Guys, come here. Feel this."
There were a blast of cold air surrounding Gray and I. Instantly the boys started to film around the air spot. Grayson still was screaming. No matter what I did, I could not get him to settle down.
"Gray. Grayson. Hey, Gray. What's wrong dude? Do you want Daddy? Huh?" I asked as I tried to bounce him. He let out a blood curdling scream. I handed him to Zak.
"Hey. Hey buddy. Stop, it's fine. You're fine. We got you."
Then I saw it.
"Oh my god Zak, look!" Said Aaron. There, clear as day, developing on his arm was three red pulsing scratches.
"Zak, he's been attacked! What the fuck? What do we do? Baby, it's okay. Daddy's gonna protect us." I said as I brought Gray his pacifier.
"Well, the good news is that we know Gracie can sense and see the spirits. The bad thing is that they're coming after my son now, not just me." Zak told me.
"This is the first attack we have seen on him though. Shouldn't we just let it be and keep an eye out?" I asked.
"That would probably be best. Especially because he is so young. They may have got him once but maybe not ever again. We don't know." Jay told us.

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