Chapter Two

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"Ok, students," Mr Choi said, looking at his watch, "Time to pack up your things and go home." Sehun got up was about to put his artwork onto the drying rack when Minseok said something.

"Can you put mine in my folder, please?" Minseok asked.

"Only because you asked so nicely," Sehun answered, "Just give me a minute." He slowly picked up his artwork and walked over to the drying rack, making sure that the patches of watercolour that hadn't dried yet didn't mix. Once placing it on the drying rack, he went back to get Minseok's artwork and placed it in his folder for him. Sehun sat back down on his seat as he watched the students in their class walk out, knowing that he couldn't leave his friend behind.

"I can meet you outside," Minseok told Sehun, not wanting his friend to wait for him.

"No, I'll wait," the younger replied, "I can't leave my best friend behind." Minseok couldn't help but feel touched by what his friend had said. The fact that he had a disability and the younger never seemed to mind that. Not once had he heard the younger complain about it. Instead, Sehun always stuck by Minseok's side and didn't care about the weird looks that people gave them. This is why he considered the younger as a true friend.

"Ok, we can go now," Sehun said, getting up from his seat, "Let's go, Minnie."

"Stop calling me that," the older replied, letting out a little chuckle as he wheeled his way out of the classroom. Sehun chuckled with him as he walked behind the older as they walked out of the school building and to the car park, waiting for the older's mother to pick him up. After school, he would often help Minseok into the car and fold the wheelchair in half so that it could fit into the back of the car. Or if the older had decided to use crutches, he would physically pick up the older and place him in the car, whether or not Minseok said no.

"Is the drama incursion this week or next week?" the older asked.

"This week, unfortunately," the younger answered, "It's on Friday."

"Does it go for the whole day?" Minseok asked, "Or does it only go for some of the day?"

"It goes for the whole day," the younger answered, "It's filled with different workshops and explanations of the workshops."

"So, no school work tomorrow," the older replied, a little too excitedly.

"You're too excited for this incursion," Sehun told his friend. Sehun wasn't really into doing drama, despite it being well fitted into his art capabilities. To him, drama didn't interest him as much as visual art did. He was only doing the subject because he wasn't interested in doing metalwork or woodwork as he believed that those classes would limit his artistic abilities. Plus, he wasn't sure if he could trust himself with the tools that both classes provided. Sehun was staring into space until the older pulled on his sleeve, indicating that his mum was here. The two went over to the car, the older opening the car and positioned his wheelchair to face the same way the car was. He reached for the small handle that was inside of the car and above the door. He grabbed the handle with both hands and lifted himself up from the wheelchair, allowing the younger to place Minseok's legs onto the car seat without problems.

Minseok used the rest of his strength to place the rest of him on the car seat comfortably. Sehun closed the car door and folded the wheelchair inwards, placing it into the boot of the car. After putting the wheelchair into the boot, he walked to the side where the older was sitting and waved, getting a wave back from his friend. Sehun walked away and off the school grounds, making his way back home. He lived in an apartment with his mum and it had been that way ever since he was a baby. He has never met his dad and was told from a young age that his dad passed away when he was born. But, he was always told by his mum that Sehun had definitely gotten his art ability from his father since his dad was artistic and quite good with coming up with strategies.

He walked down many streets before arriving at the apartment complex, going through the front door and went up many flights of stairs to reach his apartment. The apartment that him and his mum lived in was high up in the complex and Sehun never really understood why. He was always told by his mother that he would be told when he is older and it would all make sense then. But, he was in his late teens and he still wasn't told anything, making him question if his mother was keeping secrets from him. He walked up the last flight of stairs that reached his apartment and entered the code in the keypad, walking into the apartment and immediately went into his room. He placed his bag next to the door frame and went to his night stand, which was filled with multiple sketch books that he had gotten for his birthdays and every Christmas.

He picked up the newest sketch book that he got, which he had gotten for Christmas last year. All of his materials that he normally used was on top of the night stand. He sat down on his bed with the sketch book in hand and opened the sketch book to the current drawing that he was doing. The drawing was of him and Minseok when they were kids. Minseok was sitting in his wheelchair and Sehun was standing next to him. He had an arm around his friend and the both of them were smiling. Sehun was half done. He still needed to finish the wheelchair and the body of him and Minseok. He picked up the pencil and continued from where he had left off. As he continued to draw, he heard his mother walk into his room.

"Hey, son," she greeted, sitting down next to her son.

"Hey, eomma," Sehun replied, not stopping from what he was doing. Mrs Oh looked at the drawing that her son was doing. Despite seeing many of her son's drawings before, it still shook Mrs Oh that her son could draw realistically and that all of Sehun's drawings were so detailed.

"You certainly have your father's artistic skills," Mrs Oh stated, "He would be proud of you if he saw your drawings and other artworks."

"I hope so," Sehun responded, trying to keep his voice from sounding shaky. Every time someone mentioned his dad, he couldn't help but want to cry. He was one of very few students who haven't met one of their parents and Minseok was the only one that knew what it's like as he has never met his father. Mrs Oh hugged her son, knowing that her son didn't like talking about it very much. All Sehun did was placed his head on his mother's shoulder as he finished drawing Minseok's wheelchair. A few sniffles could be heard. Even though Sehun has never met his father, he still felt sad about his death. He wiped away any tears that fell down his face, not wanting the tears to ruin his drawing that was being done so delicately.

He lifted his head up when his mother pulled away from the hug. Mrs Oh gently patted her son's shoulder and got from the bed, leaving the room afterwards so that her son could focus on doing his drawing. Sehun took a deep breathe so that he could focus on his drawing better without worrying that his tears would ruin his artwork. He put his sketch book and pencil beside him, trying to push the sadness that he felt away. He didn't really want to feel sad as it ruined the moment of drawing. Sadness always took the meaning out of the happy artworks that he does when he is at home. He never wants to feel sad when trying to do an artwork with a happy meaning.

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