|Chapter 4: Learning More|

|Jake's POV |

I walked over to Addison after at the start at lunch, she was stood by her locker, we haven't spoken much since last night. She wasn't in homeroom and hasn't really been texting back, if i got a response it was blunt
"Hey" i said making her look up at me and i have never seen her look so tired
"hey" she said back softly
"Are you okay? Have i done something?" i asked making her look at me confused
"Not that i know of" she said making me sigh in relief 
"You just seem off today" i said making her look to the ground, it was then that i realised something was going on
"What is it"i said holding her hand offering that little bit of support i think she would need
"It's nothing, don't worry about it" she said, i shook my head
"No Addison, you can tell me" i said, she looked at me as if she was trying to decide whether or not to trust me
"I won't tell anyone" i said making her sign and nod, she held my hand and we walked out the entrance back over to the tree from yesterday
"I'm having a few issue's at home, i didn't get much sleep last night because of it" she said making me worry more then i probably should have but she is being vague 
"what kind of problems?" i asked making her look at me, before she could respond we were no longer alone
"look who it is" someone said making me look behind me to see a boy stood there
"oh hey Matt" i said getting up to bro hug him
"who's this pretty little thing" he said eyeing up Addison
"My girlfriend Addison" i said making him smile at the two of us
"Careful Jakey boy i may have to steal her away from you" he said making me roll my eyes
"I'm gonna head off Jake, i'll see you later" Addison said and before i could object she had gone
"What was that about?" Matt asked making me shrug my shoulders

|Addison's POV | 

I got in from school with very limited conversations with anyone, Jake included.
Tonight was the night i was going to make my decision, i got up grabbing the house car keys heading to the one destination i didn't expect to be going 
I walked into the building who's interior was pure white
"I'm here to see Duncan Miller" i said to a nurse, she nodded and off we went with me following behind her
"hey sweetie" my dad said weakly, he's been sick, he's been getting sicker by the day but chose to ignore it. I only found out last night when i came home to find him collapsed on the floor
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked on the brink of tears making him sigh at me
"You lost you mum at a young age i didn't want you to think about the possibility of losing me too honey" he said tapping the side of his bed, i did as i was told and sat on the edge of it
"would you not have preferred me to be able to prepare myself for what is to come?" i asked making him nod
"I was going to tell you, i just wanted you to enjoy your night" he said i shook my head
"Do not use that as a way out of this, that is not an excuse. You are the last family i have and now what? I have to come home to you collapsed before i find out anything?" i said making him shake his head this time
"That isn't the case at all honey" he said 
"it really is dad, if it wasn't you would have told me when this first started" i said running my hands through my hair.

I looked at my phone to see the time was 11pm, i sighed and began to write out a text before sending it 

'Hey, i'm so sorry for being off today. If you are still willing to listen, you can come over tomorrow before school and i will explain x' 

And with that i sent it 

'how about now? I could come over then crash in my car'

I smiled at the response, he clearly wants to try and help

'sure but you don't need to crash in the car, i have guest rooms'

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