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Autumn awakened to yet another dead, silent atmosphere. Her apartment was so quiet, that she could hear her neighbors television playing from their apartment. As she walked through her small place, she sighed knowing today would be the exact same day as it's been for the last few months. Excruciatingly treacherous.

Her cat, Lola, gently rubs herself against her owner's legs as she walks by to the kitchen for coffee. Autumn reaches down to pet her baby girl on the head. She thought about how much having a pet, made her grateful at a time like this.

"Morning to you my baby girl. " she says, smiling down at her. "Are you hungry? Of course you are. Let me fill your bowl up."

Autumn reaches for the television remote and pops the tv on. A news reporter was on, going off about the importance of isolation, and curfew. "This is a goddamn prison." Autumn sighs as she starts some fresh brew.

"National guards are taking the required steps to ensure the nation is following the rules. That means you only leave your home for necessities. That consists of food, water, medications, and hygiene products. You can't enter a place of business for these things unless there are fifty or less people present. Curfew is the same as always. Seven pm sharp. Anyone not following these rules will have to face the consequences as we take this virus very seriously. " the news reporter says.

"We get it. We get it. The government probably created this stupid ass illness anyway." Autumn snaps as she goes into the cupboard for the cat food. She sighs and pulls at her hair in annoyance once she realizes she's almost out of cat food. This means she has to go into the public for more. She'll have to face the guards and risk being infected herself.

"Mommy has to go to the store for more food baby. Think you can wait til then?" Autumn says as she crouches down to the tile floor near Lola. She gets purrs as a response. 

Autumn heads to her bedroom to get dressed. On her way out the front door, she puts on a mask, and gloves. It might be a bit extra, but with the death toll not seemingly slowing down, she's not taking any chances. She gets into her car and drives off.

Since the outbreak of this virus a few months ago, the roads are clear except for a few cars here and there. People are sitting on their porches. It's so quiet, you can actually hear the birds chirping again.

Autumn pulls up to the small grocery store and sighs as she prepares herself before exiting the car. Once she gets to the door, a guard tells her she has to wait until a few people exit the store before she's allowed to go in. She rolls her eyes.

"I just need to grab some cat food and I'll be right out." She explains as the guard shakes his head in disapproval. "I'm sorry ma'am. Rules are rules." He says.

Ten minutes later, a couple and their kid finally exit the store with a case of water. "Thats all they were getting and it took that long? " Autumn says to herself. Autumn waits until they are fully out of the doorway before taking a step in. " Not so fast ma'am" the guard says. "What now?" Autumn almost yells. "This mask is getting hot you know?" She snaps. "Don't enter unless I instruct you to." The guard says. Autumn stares at the man in disgust. She would hit him, but not worth the contact. "Now you may go." He says a few seconds later. Autumn storms off inside the store. Asshole.

The isles are basically empty as Autumn scurries through the store, avoiding contact at all costs. "Cat food. Cat food. Cat food." She whispers to herself as she searches desperately for at least one bag.

"Found one!" She says excitedly as she spots the last bag. Once she's reaches out for it, a gloved stranger's hand grabs it the same time she does. Autumn looks up to see a tall male staring back down at her.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I saw this first. " Autumn says though her mask as she attempts to pull the bag toward herself. "No ma'am. Actually I did." He says back, though his own mask. Autumn and the man stare each other down for a few seconds before he uses his large advantage and yanks the bag away from her causing her to stumble a bit.

"What the hell?!." She yells as he shrugs his shoulders. "Gotta do what you gotta do" He cockily says as he throws the bag over his shoulder and heads to check out. Autumn watches him walk away. She's FUMING. She thinks about running and kicking him in the ass but decides against it. He's probably infected.

She watches as he rings the cat food up at self check out. He goes to pay and realizes he has a problem. Autumn watches in amusement. He throws his head back in despair. He left his wallet at home. HAHAHA! Autumn smirks to herself as she sassily puts her hands in her hips.

The rude male leaves everything where it is, and exists the store without as much as a peek at Autumn. She watches him leave and cackles so loud that the shoppers stare at her.

Autumn picks up where the man left off. She pays for the cat food, picks it up, and heads outside to her car.

"Have a great day-" "Fuck off." Autumn interrupts the rude guard from earlier.


Once Autumn reaches her apartment, she wishes she would've moved on the bottom floor. The cat food is too heavy for her small frame. She takes off the mask, and gloves. She tosses them into the trash can outside her door before continuing. She's winded by the time she enters her place.

As soon as she steps foot inside her apartment, she knew something was off. The atmosphere was off. The smell was unfamiliar. The television had been switched from the news to a different channel. Autumn's skin began crawling with uncertainty. She quietly sets the cat food down, and continues into the kitchen. Once she turned the corner, she let out a blood curdling scream.


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