"Yeah," Jenna agrees as Elijah stays hidden in the living room. "Where are you, Rowen Magdalynn? I have been worried sick! You ran away without a trace after the funeral."

"I'm sorry, aunt Jenna," Rowen says, she is only sorry she didn't say her goodbyes. "But I can't tell you. I'm happy."

She puts the batter in the baking sheet, ends the Skype call, and puts the brownies in the oven. Arms wrap around the doppelgänger's waist and Rowen sighs in content, knowing who it is.

Elijah kisses her shoulder and nibbles, earning a giggle. The vampire smiles before he turns the doppelgänger around and hugs her. She is nothing like Katerina, and Elijah honored that. He didn't want another Katerina.

Rowen watches Elijah drain a blood bag with a smile, he likes being here. He is so glad he took her in. New York was a good choice. Even though his brother is not here, Elijah found a way to make up time. He found happiness. Although he knows that if his brother had his way, this happiness will be short lived.

Marcus came back and he informed the couple he had gotten his pathology results. Cancer. Rowen hates that.

"I cannot afford treatments," Marcus adds.

"Don't worry about the payments," Elijah says, he cannot stand seeing tears staining his Rowen's face. "I will take care of it."

"Really?" Marcus asks with his blue eyes livening up. "Thank you, mr. Mikaelson."

Elijah kisses the side of Rowen's head and he offers marcus a generous smile before he goes to research more on ways to break his brother's curse. He won't use Rowen, he will not let his brother use her for his own selfish reasons.

Elijah promised to always protect Rowen, and he's a man of his word and intends on keeping that made promise.

Elena Gilbert is about to leave her home in Mystic Falls to meet her friends at the Grill. When she opens the door, she comes face to face with Stefan Salvatore. A handsome boy she just met.

"Oh," Elena gasps in shock.

"Sorry, I was about to knock," Stefan claims. "I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier. I know it was... strange."

"No worries," Elena replies honestly. "I get it. Blood makes you squeamish."

"Um... something like that," Stefan replies nervously. "How's your leg?"

"Oh, it's fine. Just a scratch," Elena replies. "How did you know where I live?"

"It's a small town," Stefan claims. "I asked the first person I saw. Uh.., I thought you might want this back." He extends his hand to return Elena's green bound diary back to her.

'Oh, I must have dropped it. I..." Elena stops herself from rambling as she grabs the book if personal words. "Thank you."

"Don't worry," Stefan assures her, the beauty who looks like Katherine. "I didn't... read it."

"No? Why not?" Elena questions. "Most people would have." She knows her twin sister more than likely would.

"Well, I wouldn't want anyone to read mine," Stefan muses.

Rowen takes the brownies out of the oven when they're done, Marcus helps her eat them while Elijah goes to talk to pathologists and tech people in Manhattan. He searched all he could and had to get some fresh air, and possibly some fresh blood.

"You're a baker," Marcus exclaims in pride. "These are delicious, Rowen."

"Thank you," Rowen mumbles.

Rowen has been thankful for Marcus since the day she wandered across him in that alley. He had jumped to help her out because she's only seventeen. The fact Marcus helped Rowen is the only reason Elijah gave in and took him in.

"You're welcome," Marcus boasts as he grabs another. "The doctor says they don't know if the treatments will help even if I do get them. I'm pretty far in. I was stage three when you came across me."

Rowen frowns and she hugs the man. Marcus is an African American male with some beautiful blue eyes. He's around fifty, has to be. Rowen just knows he was a heartthrob in his day. They've developed a decent relationship, she thinks of the man as her grandpa.

"Do you have family anywhere?" Marcus asks and he sees the glint in Rowen's eyes. "I don't mean me, Magdalynn. Blood family elsewhere. You're a runaway."

"I'm from Virginia," Rowen admits. "My parents died right before I fled. I have a sister who nearly died with them. And a brother."

"If I can ask... how did your parents die, sweetheart?" Marcus asks as he leans against the counter.

"Car accident, my dad drive over a bridge and into the water after an animal or something jumped in front of them," Rowen replies, she knows Elijah won't be back until late or early morning. "My sister snuck out for a party my parents said no to. I was with my aunt and uncle, and brother when they went over that bridge, Marcus. I didn't get to say goodbye."

"Neither did your siblings, if I'm correct," Marcus says and Rowen scowls. "Please, correct me if I'm wrong."

"You're not wrong," Rowen says with a scowl. "I just... I don't know."

Marcus smiles warmly and he gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Go and sleep, sweetheart. You need it."

Rowen smiles and she looks at the darkness outside as the rain falls. She goes upstairs and climbs into her and Elijah's bed, then she sleeps.

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