but you say words that no one has ever said to me

you make me wonder

what do I like about myself,

what don't I?

is it safe to go down that path

of wondering what I don't like about me?

with you it is safe

and then

the final hit,

it's not the mental health issues that are the issue,

it's the suicidal thoughts

the depression is a part of me,

that can stay

it makes me who I am,

but the suicide thoughts are too much

for anyone

and they are not part of me,

because I do want to live,

but living, is so much harder then dying,

yet you make me see

that it is worth fighting for


this is what happens

when a volcano

meets a hurricane

the mess it makes,

is no where near 

the destruction that hits

my blasting lava of emotions,

changing consistency and length,

while you try to navigate 

the rapid spiraling storms that hit

we slam into each other

at every break,

and at every turn

we get to view,

that the mess we thought we made together,

is actually pure destruction

yet how is storms,


and lava

look so beautiful,

and the calm that comes after the storms,

how can that be,

the lightest it has felt


I am a guest 

in this place

and if I had forgotten

how un-included I became,

you remind me

while I am here

sorry my presence here

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