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Lannans POV:

Its been a week since Ilsa caught me and Elliot. Both of them have been avoiding me. Im sure Ilsa and Elliot have made up by now. But theyre both mad at me for some reason. Ilsa is mad that I took her phone to text Elliot. And Elliot is mad I texted him in the first place. He doesnt do streams with me anymore. I send him requests on Fortnite and he never responds to them. I decide to call him for the last time.


Elliot... I respond.

What do you want, Lannan? He sighs, exasperated.

Im sorry... please forgive me. I miss you. My voice cracks all throughout those three sentences.

Whatever, Lannan. I have to go... He whispers and hangs up.

No, no, no! I throw my phone at the wall. I lost him. I decide to confide in Harley (MrFreshAsian). I call him and tell him everything.

So, you kissed Elliot, he kissed back, Ilsa caught you two, and now they both wont talk to you?

Pretty much. Thats the gist of it.

Wow dude. Thats some harsh stuff. Maybe... hmmm... try contacting Ilsa?

Ive tried.

Try one last time. If Elliot answered you after a while, Ilsa probably will too. Ask... no beg for forgiveness.

Shes really mad about it all. I really hurt her.

Just try... thats all I can tell you to do.

Yeah, okay thanks. I say and hang up. I try calling Ilsa later that night. She answers after a few rings.

Lannan... I dont have time for this right now.

I just wanted to say sorry. I know I hurt you. I shouldve been honest about everything. I was just scared I would lose you and him. And I did. I was really dumb.

Yeah, you were. She whispers and hangs up. I decide to put something on my story.

Im so sorry. I still love you. I put on top of a black background.

Harley dms me. Who was that for? The text reads.

Idk. I reply.

Elliot also dms me. Stop.

No. I have no other way of getting in touch with either of you. Ilsa looks at my story but doesnt dm me. I post something else on my story.

Its obvious the feelings arent reciprocated. Ill leave you alone. Elliot doesnt even read it and neither does Ilsa. I see that they both unfollowed me. That hurt the most. I have no way to reach either of them. I start having a panic attack. I call Elliot and he doesnt answer. I call Harley and he also doesnt answer. Im eventually able to reach my sister and she calls an ambulance for me. Harley eventually texts me once I get settled into the hospital and I tell him what happened. He apologizes and tells me next time hell answer. I tell him its fine and that I miss Elliot.

Im sorry, man.

Its fine, its my fault.

No, it isnt. Its his fault. Hes being a dick.


Ill text you later, get some rest.

Okay. A few hours later, Elliot and Ilsa show up.

Oh hi... I whisper.

Hi... are you okay? Ilsa whispers.

Not really. I choke up. Elliot waves for Ilsa to go out of the room. She nods and walks out.

Im sorry I was such a dick.

Nah its fine. It was my fault anyway. I shouldnt have kissed you in the first place.

No. I kissed you, too. Its my fault.

Its both of our faults. Deal?

Deal. He laughs.

I love you, Elliot...

Are you sure?


Well I love you too. He whispers and kisses me. I kiss back passionately. I know this is who Im meant to be with.

*i know absolutely nothing about lazarbeam and muselk, idek why i was dared to do this. anyway, this is cringey, sorry.*

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