Chapter Three: "Treasure at the end of a rainbow"

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The contract will only be valid after the signatures of the senior members of the significant houses are present. Only four (4) signatures are to be present if the two heirs are under the age of 18. In the case that only one/ both of the contracting-parties are legally adults, their signature/signatures is/are to be present in their significant places.

In the case of the annulation of the peace treaty, before the wedding, this contract will remain active.

This contract has been compiled by the High Council of Krypton and Daxam, in the presence of the Royal Family of Daxam.

By signing this contract, all the contracting-parties have agreed to the terms and conditions of this act and the leaderships of both planets have declared the peace treaty available.

This act nor its components are to be shared with people outside the council, the most trusted staff and security.

This act can be changed only after the matrimonial union by the High Council of Daxam and Krypton in the presence of King Mon-El and Queen Kara of Daxam.


Before the matrimonial union, the betrothed couple:

Will be able to travel to each other's planets to attend special occasions that will nutrify the image of both the treaty and the union.

Kara Zor-El is to be able to finish her studies in interplanetary law at the Central University of Argo City.

The betrothed couple are to be both seen in public wearing silver bands that show their following union.

During the time of this section, the first part of the treaty will take place:

Both Kryptonian and Daxamian troops will head back for their planets.

Daxam will send the first ship with the needed supplies to stable Krypton's core.

Krypton is to present the Royal family of Daxam with the research.

In the last two months before the union, Kara Zor-El is to start moving completely on Daxam and prepare for her royal duties as Queen and her duties as a wife.

Section 3: THE UNION

The union is to combine both aspects of the Kryptonian and Daxamian wedding.

Two legal unions shall take place, one on Krypton and one of Daxam.

The Daxamian Wedding will also include the legal union by the Daxamian Law.

The Kryptonian wedding will take place in Kandor City, in front of guests chosen by both families. It will also take place two weeks before the Daxamian wedding.

The Daxamian wedding is not to take place in a private environment. It will take place in the Royal Cathedral in the capital of Daxam, Daxlor or Daxam City.

During the Kryptonian wedding, the couple is to exchange the bracelets that will show their union and the daxamite heir of the Royal Family is to take part in the ranking ceremony, becoming part of the House of El.

During the Daxamian wedding, the silver bands will be replaced by golden ones. Also, they will perform the ring bonding ceremony.


All the following points are to show the public that the nations of Daxam and Krypton are at peace.

For The Safety of Our Stars | Kara Zor-El and Mon-ElTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon