Chapter Eight: Reunited in Peace

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The streets were crowded, as usual, and Kara was running. She would've liked to run to forget, but she was also running not to be late.

The sun was missing from the sky that day and in its place, there were clouds of different sizes, densities and even colours. But one thing was sure: there had been five days since she broke her own heart and she did once again the night prior.

The nights were still the worst, when she was alone with her thousands of thoughts and the only thing that helped her get through, hardly, were the assignments she needed to get done before the beginning of the college year.

Her apartment in Kandor City was mostly covered in papers and scattered clothes. And since coming back here at the beginning of the week, there have been even more papers and holo crystals than ever.

She was sweating and her white skirt was flying around her. Her hair was stuck to her face and when she entered the Grand Hall of Krypton she was breathing hard. It was not what a princess should act like.

She looked nothing like she was supposed to be. Her hair was in dozens of directions and her eyes were full of life after days of being sad and filled with clouds. Her dress was not in the right places, its upper part hurting the underside of her chest. When she saw her, her mother came in a hurry, a partially disappointed look on her face due to her being late and the state she was in.

"Sorry, I'm late, I got on the wrong train," she excused in between breaths. Her mother didn't reply in any way, she just helped her to look more presentable, fixing her wild hair, while Kara was straightening the long dress she chose to wear that morning. When she was looking way better, Alura kissed her daughter's cheek and placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding her to the conference room.

The lights were very bright, compared to the daylight and looking around the room she saw the members of the council, a dark-haired woman talking to a younger male, and in the far back of the room, on the opposite side of it, the male she met almost a week ago.

Mon-El of Daxam was sitting on a chair, playing with the front of his tunic, saying something, probably to the female next to him, while the dark-skinned girl with hair falling in soft waves around her was scanning the room. Her dress was crimson red with a gold belt in the middle and over her shoulders, to keep her warm, she had a long-sleeved cardigan that reached just under her ribs. The male on her right was in dark slacks and a tunic of the same colour as her dress. The blazer over it was dark with golden accents, showing how the Daxamite royals loved the gold. While Kara, on the other hand, was in a simple, long-sleeved white dress that had the coat of arms of her family over her chest.

She moved her eyes from the Daxamites before she could meet with Mon-El's sight. And while her eyes moved over to a thread on her sleeve, she still felt how he studied her: the blonde hair, now tamed and the white outfit she wore. He was dark as blood, ready to stain the white that was her. But she ignored his insisting gaze and scanned the rest of the room.

She spotted Alex, also in dark colours, but missing the gold and crimson red the Daxamites were wearing, choosing for a deep blue and over her heart wearing the same symbol as Kara, the El's coat of arms. Their eyes met and Alex instantly started walking towards her.

"Everything all right?" the brunette asked concerned. Kara only nodded in return and moved her eyes to the table in the middle and the chairs surrounding it. Stacks of papers were placed in front of certain seats.

She didn't have the time to study the placements, because one of the council members called them and invited them to sit. She aimed for a random chair, but Alex grabbed her elbow and guided her before a tower of those papers. Kara took her place and felt how on the chair on her left sat someone else, she half-turned and her eyes met grey ones.

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