Chapter 7

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Wednesday, October 24th

I roll out of bed half an hour earlier than usual. Today is my first Student Government meeting. Since I usually ride to school with Ben and Kaisey and they told me there was no way in hell they'd be getting to school this early, Tanner is picking me up.

I throw on a pair of leggings and a crewneck sweatshirt and head down the stairs. My dad has already left for work, and my mom is at the dining room table drinking a cup of coffee.

"You're ready early! What's the occasion?" she asks.

"Student Government meeting," I say, taking the seat next to her at the table. I expect at least a little excitement when she hears I'm joining the Student Government, but not quite as much as I receive.

"Oh, Halle that's great! What made you decide to join? How often do you meet? What kinds of things do you accomplish?" She looks at me with loads of anticipation.

"A friend wanted me to join, we meet once a week and I have no idea what kinds of things we accomplish. I'm just trying to keep myself busy, I guess."

"Well, I think it's great. You'll have fun, I'm sure. You always find a way to have fun," she says. I appreciate her encouragement, but it's not true. I've lost interest in finding a way to have fun. If I happen to enjoy myself, great. If not, I'll just bail. Tanner already knows it's a possibility.

"Yeah, well I'll see you tonight after my game. It's the last one of the season!"

"I will be there!" she says. "Good luck!"

Walking into school, I notice that people have stopped staring, or at least it seems like it. Yesterday and Monday, Ben and I couldn't walk into a class together without a series of stares and whispers, or walk alone without the same thing. It's really great fun to be the best friend and girlfriend of a boy who went missing. I thought it would all pass after last year, but of course Reese Asshole had to stir it up again.

Tanner and I both take our seats at a table in the cafeteria where the Student Government meeting is being held. Kids from all grades start to file in and sit at tables behind us.

"So, I have something for you," he says. The butterflies in my stomach that I didn't even know I had anymore start to flutter. They settle when he pulls out a white piece of paper.

"What is it?" I ask.


It's a history test. I flip the page over and, he got an A.

"Oh my gosh, Tanner! That's awesome!" I say, truly excited that he got such a good grade.

"I couldn't have done it without you. So, thanks." A wide smile spreads across his face as he leans in for a hug.

"Of course," I say as we break apart, "So I guess this means you don't need my tutoring anymore, huh?"

"Yeah I guess not!" he says, less disappointment in his voice than I'd hoped. Before I have the chance to say something else, Ms. Delilah, the Student Government advisor, begins to talk. She asks how our planning for the annual Halloween Bash is going, and congratulates us on a successful homecoming. Even though I just joined today, I feel proud of all the work the people in this club have put into school events.

"So, the Halloween Bash is Monday, five days from today. We have our set list all planned out, and our special guests have been arranged and paid for in advance. Every person that performs, our sponsors give one hundred dollars to the charity of our choice, so get your friends to get up on that stage! Juniors, you're in charge of making sure the food is picked up and brought here on time. And seniors, you're in charge of getting here early to decorate. The Bash starts at 8, so I expect you all here by at least 6:00. Does everyone understand what is expected of them?" The entire room nods in agreement.

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