Author's Note

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This is Harry Potter fanfiction, and I in no way claim to have written Harry Potter. Anyways, basically the first part is all about Persephone and her and Tom's Love story, then it goes on to delve into their daughters and the unique relationship Voldemort has with each of them.

Rhiannon, the second one will be written first because well, she's in the middle and I can talk about her other sisters during the story, and she is in the Marauders Era.

Also, I get into dialogue, cause I hate it when there is no relationship development between characters who need it and they just skip into loving each other. There is only one character where that is acceptable and he is a psychopath.

So I hope y'all enjoy the story.

Quarantine inspiration, you know?

Also if you don't like anything just say so, or if you do like something, PLEASE tell me. Because why not, we all know the comment section is the best part of any fanfiction.

Also if any of you have any suggestions, please voice them, because this is fanfiction. It's pure wish fulfilment for the reader and I get to write a story without having to come up with a TOTALLY new premise.

The similarities between Persephone and her daughters are 100% there on purpose, I didn't get lazy.

This story started in my one shots collection on Tom Riddle, it's where both my stories started. I pick the ones with the most promising number of readers (or the ones that are the most interesting to write) and I make them books.



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