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Nyx didn't bother wiping the blood from her cheek. The close range shot had splattered the crimson liquid across the executioner's right cheek and her lip, as if someone took a paintbrush and flicked the thick pain at the Princess. Violence no longer disturbed the Evret Lady. The King had been the first one to introduce the concept to Nyx and she would never forget it. The war with the neighboring nation of Nivis had only dulled Nyx's capacity for empathy. At the ripe age of twenty three she was a hardened character. Death was nothing but an end to her. Humans were selfish characters that wanted to escape the end; they wanted to have everything but nothing. Death was nothing.

She didn't pity Jasmine. In this world it was survival of the fittest, and Jasmine was no wear near the fittest. It was odd how Nyx could want a humane utopia for all of Ferrum's citizens yet she couldn't care less about the nobility. She justified it with the nobilities privilege; they took advantage of the entire country while a select few truly worked to save the majority. It was disposable to her, and those lazy characters deserved to die. Jasmine wanted an easy way out. She wanted power with no sacrifice.

The world didn't work like that and it never would.

"You hold very little regard for your family," the King mused with a mirthful smile.

Nyx was already staring at him, not hesitating to respond immediately. "My loyalty is and forever will be with the nation of Ferrum, Father."

"Very well," the King replied, revealing nothing. "What was it you wished to speak to me about before this mess?"

"The approval polls from the governors are in," Nyx brought up casually, peaking the King's attention. "I think is time we declare war on the tyrannical rebels."

"What do my polls and war have to do with each other, Lady Savoy?" Jonah raised a quizzical white eyebrow while Hade's jaw ripples under his skin, clear discontent being shot at Nyx.

"Your ratings are down ten percent," Nyx stated softly. The Savoy King was not well liked by the people and the rebellions were not helping. It had been a month since the Royal Marriage when the King has reached all time highs of 87% support, but now people felt unsafe and unconfident in the King's ability to end terrorism. That, or they finally felt justified in their dislike for the Royal head. "War provides a rallying point. It shows strong leadership."

But it also provided the opportunity for the public to criticize you more than usual, Nyx thought wistfully.

People could join the cause for change when they had an enemy. It wasn't just the versus their leader, it was a community versus a man they were at war with.

"And war is controversial," Hade retorted, shooting his wife in the foot when she was barely getting back up on her feet.

"And necessary," Nyx bit back. "I'm simply bringing the option to the forefront of His Highness' mind. I am more than sure the profiteers of war will be more than willing to support the referendum."

The King seemingly contemplated her offer, eyeing the dead body infront of his feet. "It seems there is a tumor in my court. The injured do not fare well in war," he murmured, looking back up at Nyx. "But we must not allow it to metastasize. The time will arrive soon enough, my child. Then, we will crush the terrorists under our feet like ants on asphalt."

"Very well, Your Highness."

The King would never commit to a stance brought about to him via Nyx Savoy. He would always view her as nothing better than the scum under his designer shoe. The cancerous tumor on the courts back. A blight in his bright future.

Nyx held her head just as high as ever. She would never bow her head not matter how many times she saw the King. Her self respect was too great to do anything other than a curt nod of the head. It was a miracle she addressed her father in law with his Royal title to begin with. Physical submission was a completely different topic.

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