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Y/N's POV:

Out of breath, I decided to walk the rest of the way home "I hope that Grandma isn't too mad at me" I said to myself

I continued to walk the streets of Atmos, until an unforgettable sight caught my eye, four men throwing eggs at my grandfather's statue. They laughed as they seemed to be enjoying what they were doing, sure, I was against violence, however, I couldn't just let them disrespect my Grandfather like that

"Hey!, cut that out!" I yelled, I rushed towards them, only to suddenly be pushed from the side and fell to the ground, I turned to see who pushed me to find another man who was laughing at me "Hey, guys, looks like we lured in another Atmos-Born" He said 'He must be a Barest-Born...'

The Barest were and still are a society of warriors who came to Atmos in hopes offering Atmos with warriors capable of fighting and protecting Atmos from threats, however due to their sheer numbers about 75% of Atmos population is Barest.

Due to Atmos Borns being the smaller population and our love for technology and peace, the Barest looked down on us as laid back weaklings who were too afraid of getting our hands dirty...

The other four guys came closer to me with smiles on their faces "Ha!, looks like you're right" One guy said "What's the matter?, squirt, offended by us tarnishing the only respectable thing you Atmos Borns have?" Another guy taunted, I stood up "I thought Barest valued honor and dignity, what's so honorable about disrespecting the dead?, especially the one who sacrificed his life for others" I said

"You Atmos Borns have no backbone and yet you talk about honor and dignity?, don't make me laugh" Another guy said "You're the ones who practically begged us for help, what does that say about you?" One guy added "Atmos asked for help, not trouble makers, I have respect for both Atmos Borns and Barest Borns, but not those who have no regard for the dead" I said

"If you're so offended, then do something about it, low rank" The guy who pushed me said, he pushed me to the ground one once, I was ready to get back up until, I heard another guy yell in the distance "Hey!, what do you five think you're doing!?" I looked to my right noticed a man with glasses and wearing a business suit walking up to the group of guys

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a female's voice from behind me, I turned around to see a girl with blue eyes and beautiful yellow hair, she offered me her to help me up "I'm fine, thank you" I said, I stood up on my own and watched the other guy handling the group of men

"So, you guys think it's funny to make fun of the dead, huh?" He asked "What are you gonna do about it?, huh?, four eyes" One guy said "Oh, I won't be doing a thing" The business man said, and as if on cue, an Atmos Law Enforcement Droid suddenly landed in front of the group of men

"VIOLATION OF LAW 4 DASH 3, DEGRADING ATMOS PROPERTY" The droid said, this frightened the ground of men as they stepped back from the droid "Shit!, scatter!" The big guy yelled, the group of thugs ran away in different directions, however ten more...

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"VIOLATION OF LAW 4 DASH 3, DEGRADING ATMOS PROPERTY" The droid said, this frightened the ground of men as they stepped back from the droid "Shit!, scatter!" The big guy yelled, the group of thugs ran away in different directions, however ten more droids soon landed and had all five thugs surrounded "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE" The droids said

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