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Percy POV

     Today was the day. Apollo and I were officially getting married and I was being made a god. The whole day was full of my mom and dad fawning over me and Paul trying to get them off of me. At first, the gods weren't too happy about Apollo and I being together, but after we told them the story they were a little more open to the idea. We got engaged not too long after the quest and we've been planning the wedding ever since.

     Apollo had decided that we would have the wedding on my birthday so all of his happiest moments could be on the same day and I couldn't argue with his beautiful smile. We hadn't planned our honeymoon yet because we had decided to let the fates decided on a location, literally they just couldn't make up their minds sometimes.

     I knew that as soon as I walked down the aisle I would be with Apollo forever and I'm ready to spend my life with this beautiful and selfless man who may be a little bit broken, but I'm a little broken too so we fit together. He's fixed my heart and I know that he completes my soul. My life has never been better and my friends accept our relationship wholeheartedly. Even Annabeth knows that Apollo is made for me. I don't know what the future will bring, but I know I will forever have Apollo by my side to face whatever comes our way.

Okay guys so I hope that was a happy enough ending for you guys and I also hope it isn't too cheesy or generic. I've been writing this fanfiction since eighth grade starting with Tortured Hearts and it makes me sad to see it end but I know that I'm happy with what I've written. I feels nice to finally finish this story and I'm grateful to everyone that has stuck by this story long enough to see the end.

Feel free to message me about anything even if it's not related to this story. I'm here for anyone that needs someone to talk to or just needs someone to be there for them.

As always, have a great day, month, year, etc.


Alternate Timeline: Sequel to Tortured HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now