Legolas #2

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Imagine getting kidnapped by giant spiders and Legolas coming to save you.

Warning- Spooders!!

Word count- 1033


You notched an arrow on your bow, and shot at the dummy. It hit perfectly where you wanted it to. You grinned at your success; your skills with the bow was ever-growing. You notched another arrow and shot it, splitting the previous one in half. "Impressive." someone commented. You turned to their direction to spot Legolas. "(y/n)." "Prince Legolas." You said, bowing a little out of respect. "Just Legolas, please." 

You went back at practicing, and he strode up beside to start his own practice. A few minutes later he asked, "Care joining me on my patrol?" You looked at him, surprised. Why you after everyone? As if understanding what you were thinking, he explained, "I could do with your skills." gesturing at your dummy pierced with arrows.

"But there are many who are better-""I asked you." He said with an authority which could be traced back to his father, King Thranduil. You shrugged, shooting one last arrow at the dummy, and agreed to go with him. His face lit up, much to your amusement.

*Time skip* 

You donned your armour, ready to sneak through the forests of Mirkwood and spotting anything unnatural. Your mother didn't wish to leave you, nor did your father, but you persuaded them. It would take more than a few words of concern to stop you from going on something adventurous. Or maybe you just wanted to spend time with Legolas?

He was waiting a bit far from your room, and you smiled at him to acknowledge his presence. he smiled back, and the two of you went outside the palace to meet some few more elves who were to accompany you in your patrol. You all soon left for your mission, trodding lighty over the grass and roots.

You weren't feeling right- something wasn't right. You turned around, glancing here and there if you could spot anything. The other elves, including Legolas had possibly felt it too, because all had readied their bow. You stole a quick glance at Legolas who was momentarily concentrating on something on the ground. "Cobwebs... SPIDERS!!" 

Bows sung as many arrows flew to stop the huge black creatures. But nevertheless, they kept coming. You realised that their motive was to separate your group, and you tried staying with Legolas. His quiver seemingly never emptied, and yours was emptied. You chucked your daggers, soon running out of weapons. 

You realised again that your side was empty. Most were busy protecting themselves. A feeling of vulnerability came over you. You called out for Legolas, who turned towards you with a look of horror. He screamed at you something, but you couldn't hear, numbed by the sudden pain on your back.

You turned around weakly to see a huge spider looming over you. It wrapped you up in it's thread, and you soon lost your consciousness, unaware to Legolas screaming your name, and attempting at shooting at the spider, who was completely unaffected by his arrows.

You woke up covered in a strong fiber. You struggled, attempting to break free, but failed miserably. The thread around your eyes was thin, and you managed to check your surroundings. You were hanging upside down, and surrounded by many webbed up things. You expected one of them to be a fellow elf, judging by the boot sticking out.

You struggled bitterly, hopping to find something sharp to chop off the horrible threads. You scratched yourself on a sharp splinter of a branch, and loosened the threads a bit. But out of the blue you got hit in the head pretty hard, and started seeing black dots. You recovered to see the hideous spider, who had turned into a porcupine with the arrows sticking out, looming over you.

You screamed, more in anger than fright, and started struggling even more. It made a cackling sound, and you expected to die. Not like this, not right now, not with unfulfilled desires... The spider suddenly shrieked and snapped it's head to the right. You spotted a particular arrow sticking out of its eye, one that belonged to a certain elf-prince. You sighed in relief.

With a fierce battle cry Legolas jumped onto and knocked the spider off you. You spotted him stab it with his dagger numerous times until it was dead for good. "Don't touch what's mine." even in such a perilous situation you couldn't help but roll your eyes. Then he looked at you, concern lacing his features. He climbed the tree, and cut you loose. You fell with a thud, much to your annoyance, and groaned painfully.

The other elf was cut down by the rest, but the ellon was knocked out completely. You were retrieved out of the threads, and Legolas proceeded to hug you tightly. "I shouldn't have brought you along! I thought I'd lost you!!" You weren't sure if he was crying, but his voice faltered. You hugged him back as tightly as you could.

"Well I'm here, up and alive." You said, smiling to reassure him. He nodded, getting up, and put his hand for you to take support of. You tried standing, and your legs wobbled. "Are you sure that you can walk, (y/n)?" He asked, concern returning. You nodded, not wishing to be a burden anymore.

However, after you few steps with you leaning on him, you slipped and fell. Even with help, you were unable to keep standing. He sighed, and picked you up bridal style. You grinned sheepishly, and he rolled his eyes, "Don't even argue." You simply sighed, relaxing into his arms. You felt sleepy, and you didn't bother dozing off, knowing you were safe in his arms. But you did boop him on his nose once, him being irresistibly adorable.


Ok, quick a/n. Sorry for the late update, I was busy with reading the books. Anyways, I've decided on increasing the characters I'll write Imagines on. Also, if you're wondering if I do requests, I'll probably start accepting them a couple of imagines later. Anyways, see ya in the next imagine! Hope you're enjoying the Imagines so far.

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