Chapter ten

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Yoongis decision ,Summer bummer
Some humor ?



As the last few days roll by Yoongi feels more sadder to pack everything up . His grandmother asking him if he's ok and checking up on him every hour of the day . Taehyung also had stopped coming by leaving only the threple to spend time with his grandmother . Yoongi Hoseok and Jimin have been exploring the streets of Daegu and admiring every little thing about the country side.

Hoseok and Jimin has also noticed Yoongi didn't have the same mindset he did when he was first coming to Daegu . They know its gonna make Yoongi sad when he leaves but it's not like they could do anything .

All they know is that they could give him words of encouragement.


Tomorrow was when Yoongi would officially leave everything behind . And it just seems so sad , could he ever come back ? Would he visit ? Could he possibly forget about Taehyung ? Or the amazing friends he's made ?

It all seemed surreal because two months ago he would have never imagined that he wanted to stay .

And who was he doing for ? Staying for Jeongguk ? For Taehyung so they could be together ?

As the sun sets and Jimin and Hoseok enter the room they look at him with sad looks . Sitting on the bed .

"You know you mean the world to us right ?" Jimin whispers

"I know" Yoongi mumbles

"And you know we will support your decision if you decide to stay ?" Hoseok says

"Yea- wait what ?"

"Look when we came here you seemed so happy , your eyes were sparkling and you genuinely are a new person here , and we can't guilt you into leaving with us , cause if this is where you want to be ,stay .but please don't forget about us" Hoseok explains

"How could I ever forget you ? You guys have been my best friends since ancients times . Hell we even measured our dicks in front of eachother ! You guys are the best people I know ." Yoongi smiles

"You guys are make me cry" Jimin sobs out .

Yoongi and Hoseok hug Jimin enjoying each other's presence .

Yoongi was the luckiest person in the world .


Morning rolled by and Jimin and Hoseok were packing . Yoongi had his mind set and it made him sad leaving it all but it was the best thing to do .

Everyone was outside saying their goodbye ,And Yoongis grandma being an emotional mess .

"I don't care if you aren't my grandchildren . Please come visit soon" She says in between sobs .

"Of course" Jimin says hugging her

"We will continue to worship you guys every night" Hoseok says to the threple who is laughing

"Whatever loser , come back soon kay? I'll miss you lots" Jeongguk smiles

Taehyung then comes outside running to Yoongi , everyone backs up so the two can talk .

"So you're really leaving ?" Taehyung frowns

"Of course not , I told my parents that I wanted to stay and my grandmas going to enroll me in the same school as Jeongguk" Yoongi happily says

"So that means ?" Taehyung trails

"I want to be with you as well" Yoongi says before pulling Taehyung into a kiss .

Everyone smiles proudly

"GET THAT DICK YOONGI !" Seokjin yells making Namjoon raise an eyebrow at him .

As Hoseok and Jimin get into their car , Yoongi tears up , holding Taehyung hand for support . Jimin and Hoseok look at him yelling I love you , Yoongi yelling back I love you more , they finally drive off .

"Right well , I'm going go cry in my room now" momma says before leaving

"Yeah me Jin and Gguk are going to go watch a movie , come over later Yoongs ?" Namjoon asks

"Yeah of course" Yoongi smiles

The three left leaving Taehyung and Yoongi alone , the late summer breeze coming in and the sun setting to a beautiful scenery of pink and yellow .

"Before me and you hooked up , I broke up with Soobin , so I don't cheat ok ?" Taehyung reassures

"It's ok , it's all in the past now , what matters is me and you are together . And thank you"

"For what ?" Taehyung asks

"For making this summer a million times better , I was so unhappy and I was angry at everything , but now I just want to do everything with you ."

"I should be thanking you , Before you came I was debating on leaving , going somewhere and starting fresh . This boring town is now more interesting cause of you , and we've only been together for like ten minutes but , I want to make every moment with you special . Because even with Soobin . I have never felt this way before ." Taehyung says kissing Yoongi .

Parting , they sit down and watch the sunset , Yoongi head on Taehyung shoulder , they admire every beauty in the sky , but Taehyung who is staring at Yoongi , admires the even more beauty in front of him .

The end


Thank you for coming on this journey with me and reading this book . I will be sad to say that I'm gonna miss updating this book . It was one of favorites to be honesty .

But it is a short story and we got our happy ending :)

Also I wanna clear up Yoongi parents care about him a lot . They would call him regularly and they knew they could hear the happiness in his voice , so when they were told he wanted to stay they agreed .

I may upload another extra chapter . But I don't know what to do yet so I'll see on that one .

I hope everyone is having a good day or night and I love you all so much . Like lot 🥺

See you all later . Byeeee 💕💕💕💕

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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