Chapter two

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Yoongi didn't remember how he fell asleep but he woke up with music blaring .

He groans in annoyance and pulls a pillow to try to tune out the horrible music and go back to sleep .

But alas sleep has left him and he is angry now .

He gets up and looks out the window . Seeing next door the balcony door is open and finds the source of the horrible music . He groans and open his balcony door he looks to see who is responsible for the loud noise and he sees the same boy from yesterday jumping on his bed .

He rolls his eyes and slams his balcony door shut and goes down stairs . He sees his grandmother sitting on the couch watching some sort of tv program .

"Good morning sunshine how'd you sleep ?" His grandmother asks

"well I was happily slumbering but the neighbors took my happiness away" Yoongi sighs .

"Yeah well they are really noisy , three boys who live there  . I'm good friends with them but mainly with the oldest one . He comes around here sometimes and we have a beer" His grandmother says

"You drink ?" Yoongi gasps

"Yoongi I'm not that old . And yes . His name is Seokjin ."

So that's probably the boys name . The boy did seem to be a bit older than Yoongi . So he suppose that is Seokjin .

"Well anyways there is cereal in the cabinet if you would like me to cook you something tell me ." His grandmother says .

He mumbles out a ok and just grabs a cereal . To his surprise he thought his grandmother would have some old bran cereal but he was wrong .

Seriously what does his grandmother do ?

For the rest of the day he is in his temporary bedroom watching movies on the television . Hearing a knock on the door he pauses his movies and goes down stairs padding to the door he sees a tall boy with broad shoulders and the most prettiest face standing in front of the door .

"Is Momma here ?" The broad shoulders asks

"She uh-You're pretty" Yoongi blurts out .

The male laughs and winks at Yoongi . He enters inside the home heading to the kitchen and grabs two cups . He sees his grandma walk out and screams happily

"Seokjinnie ! You came ! So happy to see you" His grandmother says happily

So this was the Seokjin his grandma was talking about .

"Sorry for not coming Momma . Jeongguk was begging for me to spend more time with him" Seokjin apologies pouring the alcoholic beverage for the two .

"That boy never wants to come I miss the brat . Oh ! And meet my grandson Yoongi . He's staying with me for the summer" His grandmother introduces

"Nice to meet you Yoongi . Hope you don't mind me drinking with your grandmother . She's really fun to be with" Seokjin chuckles .

"No I don't mind ?"


"Where's the others ? Have they not been around lately ?"

"Taehyung came back from wherever he went , Namjoon has been working but he misses you and says hello" Seokjin informs .

"You should tell Taehyung to come ! Maybe he and Yoongi could get along ?" His grandma offers

"I'll text him right now" Seokjin says getting his phone out .

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and Yoongi goes to open it . He sees the familiar boy presumed to be Taehyung . Wearing the most basic outfit Yoongi felt a little turned on by the male

"Can I come in ?" Taehyung asks

Yoongi shakes away his sinful thoughts and motions Taehyung to come in . His grandma attacks him with a hug and kisses on his forehead . Seokjin grabs a beer can and throws it to Taehyung who catches it so effortlessly ,

"Oh Taehyungie I'm so happy you came ! Where were you ? I missed you so much" his grandma scolds the boy

" I was visiting some family a few miles from here . My brother wanted me to stay for a little bit but I was starting to miss you so I left a day early" Taehyung explains

"And how's the boyfriend ? Uh what's his name I always forget it" his grandmother recalls

"Soobin" Taehyung adds

Yoongi frowns feelings his hopes go down for some reason . But Taehyung is super hot who wouldn't want to date him

His grandmother pesters the two god like men some more . Yoongi gets bored and goes up to his room . He texts Jimin wondering what he's doing . Jimin replies immediately saying he's bored since Hoseok isn't there and he has nothing to do . Yoongi chuckles and presses the call button

"Hey Yoongi hows Daegu ?" Jimin chirps

"Good Jimin . A little weird though . My grandma is friends with three dudes from next door and they drink and shit" Yoongi mutters

"Wow . Didn't take grandma Min as the party type" Jimin laughs

"Neither did I"

"Are they cute though ?"

"I met two of them , super hot . I prefer one more than the other but he has a boyfriend so I'm kind of bummed out

"Well hope you steal him . And do something fun . Don't forget about me" Jimin fake cries

"Forget you ? How could I" Yoongi bluntly states

"Yeah yeah whatever take care Yoongi miss you already"

"I do too . Say hi to Seok for me" Yoongi smiles

"Will do . Bye Yoonie"

"Bye Jimin"

Yoongi hangs up the phone . Laying down on his bed he stares at the ceiling

"So Jimin your boyfriend ?" Taehyung says startling Yoongi

"Do you always like to sneak up on people ?" Yoongi glares

"No not really but you interest me . Your grandma was telling us a little bit about you . Like that you're seventeen . live in Seoul and your brother is off at college studying to be a doctor ."

"anything else she told you ? Yoongi chuckles looking at Taehyung

"Oh and that you give off a gay vibe" Taehyung adds

Yoongi pauses and quirks an eyebrow . A gay vibe ? He wasn't one to give off a "gay vibe" he doesn't even label his sexuality how the hell would he know what giving off a gay vibe is ?

"Well thank you for informing me . Is there anything else you want to know or ?" Yoongi asks

"No no . Have a good night Yoongi hope to see you more often" Taehyung smiles at the younger closing his door .

Yoongi sighs out and feels uncomfortable. He looks down and sees his pants have tighten .

"Oh for fucks sakes"


I promise I pinky promise I'll update like two books I SWEAR I JUST DONT KNOW WHICH ONE .

You know what .

Comment which two books y'all like the most and I'll see which of the majority favors and I'll update those two favorites .

God I'm such a asshole . Anyways hope everyone is having a good day or night and ily guys bye 🥺🥺

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