Chapter nine

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Yoongi wonders what's right for him and Taehyung . A few more chapters left guys :((



"I want to be with you"

Those words lingered Yoongi's mind while he was laying on his bed . His three friends snoring on the floor all piled up , he thinks at what happened a few hours before , The way Taehyung held him,every kiss,every thrust,every moment with him was so amazing yet it was so wrong , it was wrong because Taehyung still had a boyfriend and more because they were both strangers . He knew it was impossible to be in long distance relationship and he knew that if his parents knew he was with a nineteen year old they'd freak out over the age difference .

They were so many things holding him back yet he wanted to just go for it . He wanted to say to Taehyung in that moment but it was hard for him .

"Think about it , please ?" was all Taehyung after he slipped back with the group downstairs .

"Drunk words are sober thoughts" . He whispers to himself rolling to his side looking at the moon that creeped through his blinds .

Was Taehyung drunk ? Did they have drunk sex ? Did he really mean that or was he just trying to fuck ? These thoughts just kept racing through his mind not letting him any sort of sleep . But it was something to think about .

Maybe he should just leave and not wait the two more weeks he has here . Maybe he should just leave and forget about Taehyung . Forget about Jeongguk-

Oh my Jeongguk

The boy who made his summer enjoyable . That made him laugh at the most stupidest things . He couldn't do that to the boy . He'd miss him too much . And he grew close to him in the little time he has known him he wants to keep in touch with him . He wants to see him everyday but it wasn't possible .

And maybe if he just forgot about Taehyung and only kept in touch with Jeongguk maybe it would be fine ,But he knew he'd ask about him.

It pains him , it pains him knowing that he's so infatuated with the older male . That he knows even if he tries to forget him he can't . He wouldn't

And this all began to feel like home. More of a home than Seoul .

Yoongi was set to find a solution before he left and it had to be fast . But as of now he got comfortable and closed his eyes . Replaying what has happened tonight .

Luv - TG ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя