Chapter 6- The NURSE

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Seriously, what was this girl thinking?

How stupid can she be?

This day has just gone sour for me.

It started out really well with me avoiding this leech and starting the new basketball season with my team.

We were laughing and just plain enjoying  our time.

Actually, it was quite nice to be surrounded with goofballs.

Coach Kim asked the whole team to go to the GYMNASIUM for our practice/training so the whole team packed up and left.

The boys were goofing off as usual.

"Yah Hyung, how come you never let Jisoo noona eat with us? I mean you're married right? Don't a husband need to eat with his wife at all times? "

Here we go again with this topic.

I hated it so much.

And JUNGKOOK being clueless as ever had to bring it up... Again!

"Stop Kook. Can't you see Jin Hyung doesn't wanna talk about it?  Just mind your own business man. " RM butted in.

Thanks RM! He understood me the most. He knew our situation and was very supportive with the whole marriage thing.

"But Hyung, aren't you a little mean to Jisoo noona? I mean she's practically feeding you and taking care of you well yet you don't care as much. Just saying tho. " V commented.

"And why do you have to talk to her harshly Hyung? Jisoo noona's just being nice and friendly. She even packs lunch for us. " Jimin said.

I was fed up.

I glared at them.

"Can you maknaes just stop! Enough. I don't wanna talk about Jisoo ok? Stop being observant. This is my life. So can you just lay off? " I was rubbing both of my eyes in frustration.

They eventually mellowed down.

And acted as if nothing happened.


As a defense tho, I don't want to talk about me being married because honestly It wasn't my idea in the first place.

I was forced into it by my parents.

They said I needed to man up and start focusing on our future.


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Jisoo. Well, she's nice and all that but I really don't like her one bit.

She irritates me a lot.

We fight and argue every single time and I can't keep up with her childish ways.

I've known the girl my whole life and let me tell you, she's crazy and very annoying.

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