Chapter 1

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3rd persons pov

The battle against Ultron raged on and on for hours, the avengers and the Maximoff twins fighting side by side against the machines. That was until Pietro Maximoff got the great idea to save Clint Barton's life. Wanda felt when the bullets hit her twin brother and she felt when he died.

Wanda's pov

Dropping to my knees I let out the loudest scream I ever had. He was gone, dead, and I could feel it happen. The one person who had never left me, had finally gone.

Finding Ultron he says "If you stay here, you'll die" I kneel down next to him and reply "I just did. You know how it felt?" I use my magic to pull his heart out, "It felt like that". I know that he was dead and couldn't hear me but I needed to say it, hoping that I could get some comfort.

Staying kneeled down next to Ultron's body I was waiting to die, wanting to die. All of the sudden, Vision flew in and picked me up, I tried fighting him, I tried getting him to put me down so I could be with my brother again but it was to no avail. Vision brought me to the jet and set me down in a chair where I just stared at the wall hoping this was all just a dream.

Steve's pov

We've been on the jet for 3 hours and we're about to land at the tower. Wanda has yet to say a word and she looks like she's lost in her thoughts. Walking over to her I say "Hey kiddo, we're almost there, can you go grab your bag?" She gives no indication that she even heard what I said so I reached out and touched her shoulder, which turned out to be a big mistake. I got thrown across the jet and slammed into the wall, hard. Groaning, I stood up and dusted myself off then I looked at Wanda to see that she still had not moved and was still just staring at the wall in her own head. Natasha got up out of her seat and started making her way over to Wanda so I started shaking my head no.

Natasha's pov

Steve just got launched across the jet and it was actually kinda funny but I had to hold back my laugh. Getting up I slowly start making my way over to Wanda, not missing the way that Steve is shaking his head at me but choosing to ignore it. The jet just landed and the doors open. I look at Clint and tell him to grab Wanda's bag and bring it to her new room. Once everyone was off the jet I crouch down in front of Wanda and gently push the hair out of her eyes. She doesn't even blink. Deciding to just get her to her room as quick as possible, I reach under her armpits and pick her up, putting her on my hip. With one hand under her butt and the other around her back I walk out of the jet and into the tower. I could tell this kid was tired but what shocked me was when she put her head in my neck, cuddling into me and letting me continue carrying her. Once we get to her room, I lay her down on her bed and see that she's sleeping. I tuck her in then I kiss her forehead and walk to my room which is right across the hall.

What nobody but the team knows about me is I'm a caregiver, I like taking care of littles. I don't currently have a little but I want one. Seeing as it's getting late I decide to get ready for bed then go check on Wanda to make sure that she's still sleeping. I crack open her door and see her cuddled up with one of her pillows, out cold. I smile to myself and make my way back to my room after shutting her door and lay in bed.

"Friday?" I ask, "What can I help you with, Ms. Romanoff?" Friday responds. "Let me know when Wanda wakes up, please" I say. "Of course" Friday responds.

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