Chapter 8

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So I saw Black Widow today and I've come to the conclusion that Yelena is a sarcastic ass (in the best way possible).

Wanda's POV

Natasha starts the conversation by saying "so why'd you come to my room? I could've come to yours."

"I got bored and I uh wanted to be with you" I shyly mumble.

"Awww is that so? Well come here" she says opening her arms, allowing me to hug her. Once I'm in her arms she moves us over to the bed and lays down with me on top of her.

Almost instinctively I cuddle into her more, laying my head in her neck so I could breathe in her calming scent. My eyes begin to feel heavy and slowly close. The last thing I hear is "поспать, детка, я буду здесь, когда ты проснешься".

———————————Time Skip———————————

I wake up to Natasha playing with my hair and whispering that it's time for lunch.

I tiredly whine "nooo, I no wanna get up"

What? "I no wanna get up?" What the hell is wrong with me. Why'd I just speak like a baby?

"Hunny it's lunch time, you have to eat something"

"No." I stubbornly say.


I cut her off right there and cry out "No mama"

I feel her tense up under me so I start to cry harder. "Baby no tears, there is no need for tears" Natasha says while moving us so we are sitting, with me on her lap. "Hunny can you tell me how old you are?" She says.

I just whine and hide my face in her neck. "Please, babygirl". In response I whimper and look at my fingers before shyly holding up three. "Me two" I say.

Nat reaches her hand out and gently pushes one of my fingers down. "You're two baby?"


Natasha's POV

I have no idea what pushed her into a headspace but I'm not complaining. And she called me mama. I do know that when she comes out of her headspace we're going to have a lot to talk about, I can no longer hold off on that conversation.

If I ask her to go downstairs with me to get lunch she's going to throw a fit so I just lift her up onto my hip and carry her downstairs to the kitchen. Thankfully nobody else is in there so I don't have to try to explain what's happening.

I set her on the counter next to me and grab a sippy cup, filling it with apple juice. Then I make us each two sandwiches, cutting hers in half and cutting the crust off of them.

I put our food on plates and grab our drinks, bringing them all to the table. As I go to turn around to get Wanda I hear a loud THUMP then crying. Quickly running back to the kitchen I see Wanda on the floor in tears, holding her ankle.

"Baby what happened?"

"Wanted mama" she sobs out and my heart immediately breaks.

"Oh baby, let me see your ankle" Wanda moves her foot towards me removes her hands from it. I reach out and slowly turn it, it looks like she just twisted it and scared herself.

I pick her up and bring her to the table. Instead of putting her in her own chair I keep her on my lap. I feed her and I take bites of my own while she's chewing.

After we're both done eating I bring our dishes to the sink. I had her the sippy cup of apple juice and take her to the living room. "Do you want to watch a movie babygirl?"

"Wes" she says around her cup.

"Yes what?"

"Pease" she responds.

"Good girl, what do you think about The Lion King?"

Wanda nods her head fast at that suggestion.

"Ok baby"

I lay down and pull her on top of me. I can hear the quiet clicks every time she sucks on the sippy. It's honestly one of the most adorable things in the world.

About halfway through the movie, Steve walks in...

"Hey Nat, hey Wanda" he says.

Wanda just whimpers loudly so I say hi back to him.

Wanda keeps trying to nuzzle closer to me and I can tell that she's uncomfortable so I decide to get her out of there.

"I'd love to sit and chat but it's time for her to take a nap" I say while standing up with Wanda in my arms.

"Oh ok, I'll see you around I guess" Steve mutters back.

I give him a small smile and walk towards the elevator. Once the elevator starts moving up I say "малышка, what's the matter?"

"Nuffin mama" she says still hiding her face in my neck.

"Hunny please tell mama what wrong"

"He really scary" she quietly says, almost like she's ashamed to be saying it.

"Oh Hunny, I know that he can seem scary but he's really nice. I promise"

Just then we get to our floor and I take her back to my room but before I lay down with her I decide to put her in a pull-up, just to be safe.

Laying down I make sure that Wanda is as close to me as possible before running my fingers through her hair, lulling her to sleep.

"спокойной ночи моя маленькая эка" I say.

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