The Beginning of the End

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Dean POV

I carry Jo into a nearby hardware store, figuring we can make use of the supplies inside.  I set Jo down, trying to lean her up against the counter only for her to sink down to where it was just her head upright.  Sammy closes the doors, chains clinking as he wraps them around the handles.  Leaving Jo with her mom, I try to keep a cool head while I look around for something to use in defense against the hellhounds, while Ellen ignores Jo’s false assurances, repeatedly telling her daughter to breathe.  God, keep her breathing.  I can’t lose someone else.

Ellen calls me and Sammy, “Boys, need some help here!”

Finding a wheelbarrow filled with large bags of salt, I hand one to Sam and cut another open with my knife, then pour them around the parameters of the room, making sure to form thick lines in doorways and windows to keep the hounds out.  After I’m finished forming salt lines, checking over the others with a quick glance, I walk back over to Jo to see how she’s doing.

Jo is bleeding.  She’s bleeding real bad.  Ellen and I exchange a look, then I with Sam.

She’s not going to make it, especially not without cell phone signal, and with all those hellhounds waiting to take a chomp out of us if we try to leave.  We’re going to lose her.

I’m going to lose yet another person who means the world to me, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

Not being able to just stand there and watch her die, I put myself to work.  I begin taking apart electronics and using the wires.  I hear Ellen telling Jo false assurances like ‘You’re going to be alright.’  I glance over and see Sam handing Ellen a bowl – probably with water inside – and a fresh gauze.  Sam then stands up and walks over to me.

“How’s she holdin’ up?” I ask before glancing up at him.  He sighs, then we share a knowing look.

“The salt lines are holdin’ up.” Sam, always trying to look at the bright side of things, however dim that bright side is.

“Safe for now.” I reply.

“Yeah, safe or trapped like rats.” Sam remarks with a snarky attitude.

“Hey, you heard Meg.  Her father’s here.”  Putting emphasis on every word.  “This is our one shot, Sammy.  We gotta take it, no matter what.”

Both of our gazes falter after I say that.  We both know what’s going to happen, and it hurts.

I try turning on the radio I’ve been trying to build, and it buzzes to life.  “There we go.”

Ellen calls Sam over, “Sam, some help here, please.”

I tweak the radio, turning and twisting wires and knobs to try to get the right channel, the one Bobby’s CB is tuned to. 

“KC5 Fox Delta  Oscar, come in.” I repeat, only getting static as a response. 

After I say it for a third time, there’s a response, “KC5 Fox Delta Oscar, go ahead.”

Relieved at his response, I still feel regret at what I am about to tell him.  “Bobby, It’s Dean.  We got problems.”

There’s a pause, then Bobby replies, “It’s okay, boy.  That’s why I’m here.  Is everyone all right?”

I choke back a tear, pausing to catch myself before telling Bobby what’s wrong.  “No.  Uh, i-t-it’s – it’s Jo.  Bobby, it’s pretty bad.

After a minute, he says, “Okay.  Copy that.  So now we figure what we do next.”

“Bobby, I don’t think she’s–“ I cut off, unable to finish the sentence.

“I said, ‘what do we do next,” Dean.”  Bobby asks, calmly and sternly.

I rub my brow and swallow my panic.  “Right.  Okay.  Right.”

“Now, tell me what you got.”



Another section finished!  And I should be able to post again soon!  I just finished my last assignment for the semester, so I should have plenty more time for writing!

I hope to post the first chapter of Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On this winter!  I'M EXCITED!

If you haven't already, go check out my short story in progress, Winchester or Angel?

Don't forget to check out these awesome authors, too!

@Idkbaands @merryhappyness@AngelMariaKurenai

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