Failed Escape Attempt

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Your P.O.V.

       When I woke up, I was laying on the ground near a large rock. To my left was a forest, to my right was a hill that lead straight up the giant statue of Joseph. It was now early morning. Slowly getting up, I found that I was missing nothing. But my head hurt like no tomorrow. It was like the worst hangover I'd ever had but multiplied by 10. It was the Bliss though. It was no alcohol that did this to me but some drug.

       There were Angels on the path that led up to the statue of Joseph. It was probably in my best interest if I steered clear of this. Getting up, I started walking towards the forest. It would be best to travel under the cover of the trees. I practiced reloading my bow as I walked. Pull out the arrow, load it, pull back, aim, put the arrow away. Start over again.

       The headache hadn't gone away. It had lessened, but was still bad. My hike through the forest soon brought me to an abandoned looking pizza place. The '8 Bit Pizza Bar.' If it was truly abandoned and locked up I could at least break in and rest in the shade for a bit. Walking up, I didn't even have to twist the dood handle to open the door. It was cracked open. Upon entering, I found Sharky, Jess, and a man I didn't recognize.

       "Hey (Y/n)." Jess called as I walked in. I nodded to her, walking over to sit with the 3 of them. "What are we playing?" I asked as I sat down. "Go Fish," the third said, laying down a card, "My daddy said I ain't allowed to play poker. Thinks I'd lose too much money. And he needs it, you know, on account of his runnin' for office. Wanna play?" I shook my head and offered a quiet, "No thank you."

       "This is Hurk. Sharky's cousin." Jess said, nodding to the third man. Hurk looked at me then excitedly said, "Hey do you wanna join my cult? We can really stick it to the Peggies if we start our own. You and the Deputy and Sharky could be my first Hurkies! That's what I'm calling my followers. Jess already said no." Looking to Jess, I let out a laugh and nodded. "Sure Hurk. I'll join your cult."

       I watched the them play Go Fish for a while until my headache died down. I'd finally realized that the Deputy must have no one with him. "Hey where's Daniel? If we're here then he's by himself." I said, looking from one person to the next. "Oh don't worry. He's out helping my mama get her helicopter back." Hurk said, watching my hands shuffle the cards. "Is anyone with him?" I asked, turning to Jess. "Yeah he's got that dog, Boomer. May not seem like a lot but Boomer's got a mean bite." She said, checking over her bow.

       Satisfied with the answer, I dealt out the cards and joined in on the game of Go Fish. We didn't play long before Daniel had called Hurk and Sharky over to help him. Then Jess had decided to go and check on her uncle Dutch, leaving me alone at the pizza bar. I sat for a few minutes, staring at my bow. All I could focus on was the faint throbbing in my head.

Grabbing my bow and standing, I left the pizza bar and decided to just follow the road. Maybe I could take some lessons from Daniel and help anyone I saw that was in need of help.

                       <~Two hours later~>

Before I knew it, I found myself on the bridge that led to Holland Valley. I stood, staring up at the signs proclaiming the Power of Yes. Whatever that meant. I continued to follow the road, not encountering much of anyone or anything.

Until I heard the screams. It was a woman. She was somewhere in the forest. Panic surged through me and for a moment I wanted to run. Be strong, I told myself, these people need your help. You can't run anymore. With a nervous sigh I ran into the forest, doing my best to stay quiet and follow her screams. There she was. Running up the mountain path. The Peggies were definitely after her, and could definitely catch her if they wanted. Sadistic assholes were just letting her run and scream, enjoying the chase and her fear.

When Hope DiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ