The Face of Hell

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A/N: howdy howdy. This is what I've decided the Deputy will look like. Screenshot taken from this handy dandy video ->

Your P.O.V.

I spent the day walking, searching. The church nearby was a bit of a lost cause. I only found a woman visiting her fathers grave, and she had told me that there was a town I could go to or places that I could hole up and hide in. She said her name was Grace. She seemed nice enough for a stranger with a gun.

The town from before, I thought as I remembered where I'd seen it. It had to have normal people. The cultist woman hadn't wanted me to go to it because it was full of normal people. With the directions from Grace, I began to make my way to the town. Fall's End, she had said the name was. The directions she gave were not the fastest, but the safest. The directions she gave had roads less travelled by the cult, according to her. But I had no choice but to trust her. I knew no one here, after all.

I had been walking along the outskirts of the forest alongside the road for about an hour and I began to approach a bridge. Not a big deal, I initially thought. It was just a bridge. But when I had registered the blockade at the other end of the bridge, I realized I wouldn't get past. It was formed by a pile of tires, barrels, barbed wire, a pickup truck with a turret installed in the bed, and at least 3 cultists that I could see. Each had a weapon. One of them was even on the turret, scanning the area. I'd be torn to shreds if I tried to get past.

"Get those sinners!" One of the men suddenly shouted. Panic raced through me and I began to run across the road, thinking they had seen me. But it wasn't me they had seen, it was a group of 4 that had emerged from the forest, rifles in hand. They were shooting at the cultists. Though they hadn't seen me initially, I had screwed myself over by running out.

"There's one over there!" One of the men had screamed, followed by gunfire. I screamed and dove for the other side of the road, just barely making it. But I hadn't taken into account the hill that I was throwing myself down. So I slid straight down the side, landing in the river that I would've been safe from had I not ran out.

Breaking the surface of the water, I gasped and reached for something, anything to grab onto. The firefight was still happening up on the bridge overhead.

       With quite a bit of effort, I managed to grab onto the rocky bank running alongside the river. Letting out a triumphant laugh, I began hoisting myself up onto the bank. But I guess the universe doesn't like people succeeding.

       A deep growl came from within the trees just beyond the bank. Slowly looking up, I saw the tip of its nose and its muddy feet. The wolf took 2 small steps towards me, still growling. I screamed as it lunged, throwing up my arms to protect myself. Wait a minute.

       "Oh come on already!" I yelled out as the river pulled me away from the bank. Yeah it took me away from the wolf, but at this rate I'd never make my way out. The river was getting wider and I was stuck in the middle. The current was too strong and too fast for me to get back to the bank.

       My heart dropped as I realized that there was a drop up ahead. A waterfall. I had no idea how far I'd fall but it still wasn't good. I couldn't even cough up the water fast enough right now, and I was about to go over a waterfall.

       With desperate, reaching hands, I scrambled for the bank, fighting the current of the river. It wasn't enough. The last sound that came from me was a scream as I fell back first, following the flow of the water.

       I sat at the kitchen table, eating my food. Mom and dad were talking about the news and what they'd heard. I always wanted to be a reporter. Right there where the action was happening, telling hundreds of people watching information that could be important for them to know.

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