A ruffling noise interrupted my thoughts. I looked around to find the source of the sound. It was somewhere up in the trees. All of sudden, a big, giant purple egg fell from the trees. It was right next to the edge of the mountain.
"Is that a ...Dragon egg?" I mumbled. I walked closer, trying to get a better look. It moved again. It might be ready to crack.
But there was a problem...the egg was right next to the edge of the mountain, one sudden move and it could fall right off.

I carefully walked towards it until all of sudden, it started to crack and open.

"shoot!" I yelled. The egg titled towards the edge of the mountain, and fell down the side of it.
It wasn't steep or not too much of a long fall, but definitely was enough to injure a newborn.

I slid down the mountain, following the new creature . It seemed to look like... a purple cat...
Whatever it was, it needed my help. I approached it in a hurry, and kneeled down next to it. The cat like creature cried in pain.

From the looks of it, the newborn didn't look to banged up, but it did have a small cut on her ear from the falls

"Hey, everything will be okay." I picked it up. "My name is (Y/n), you're in good hands, I promise."
My voice seemed to calm it down.
I was still slightly confused. I didn't know cats were born from eggs, however, i didn't know if this thing was a cat at all. But I guess that stuff didn't matter.

I took another look, it had big brown eyes, and soft purple fur.

I realized that I couldn't just leave it here,
I also realized that i couldn't keep calling it..it.

I had to give this cat like creature a name. I thought of the time when Celeste was teaching me about the night sky. I learned how to take in the starlight that the stars and constellations provided and use it as my own power. She taught me a lot about the sky. Celeste always referred to the universe as the great.. "Cosmo" I said aloud. "I'll name you Cosmo!"

The creature began to smile. "I like it!" She said in a small, highpitched voice.

"Whoa! you can talk?" I yelled. "Cool!!"
"Cool!" She replied.

This was the first interaction I had with another creature in,, ever. So it was pretty nice to have company.

I began to continue walking along my path to the one town I saw while I was on top of the mountain. I found myself rambling about how I was raised by dragons, and all of the cool things they taught me. When i looked down in my arms, I found cosmo asleep.
"I'll just pretend that you were actually listening to all that.." I muttered.
"Finally!!" I yelled. "We made it to the town!"
I woke up Cosmo to share this moment with her. All of sudden, both our stomachs made a noise.
"Uh oh.." I didn't know what my new friend was suppose to eat. Is there a special kind of food i was suppose to buy? Maybe since it looked like a cat..it's suppose to eat...
"FISH!" Cosmo yelled. She pointed her paws towards a stand where an older man was selling all different types of fish. She jumped out of my arms and we walked over together.

"Excuse me sir,, can I get two fish please?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course! That will be 200 jewel." He said with a cheerful voice.
What the hell is jewel?? Cosmo and I looked at eachother and shrugged.

"Sorry. No jewel, no fish. It's a tough world." He said with a more serious voice and turned around.

I gave him a face and walked away.
"Don't worry cosmo, I have a plan." I whispered.

Rogue Cheney x Reader Where stories live. Discover now