11. The Truth

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From what my father told me, the spell takes a while to fully activate. It can only be activated during the eclipse, and can only be used until the end of it which is why it's barely used. I wasn't fully sure if this would work, given that this is my first time doing this spell.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I saw Loke joined with Rogue and Sting, fighting off the wolves. Loke turned around to me.


"BE SAFE (Y/N)! I WANNA SEE YOUR ASS ALIVE WHEN THIS IS OVER!" Sting yelled. I saw a smirk on his face.

Rogue was too focused on dealing with the wolves.

I began running again.

I was almost there. My breathing was heavy, my feet were sore from running. I just wanted a nap. A turkey sandwich and a nap.

I heard a sound to my left. I looked to my side to meet eyes with a robot dragon? I had no idea what the hell it was, but it must've came from the gate. It shot a laser at me and I dodge it.

If I use my magic now, I won't be able to use the Luna spell. I need to be charged all the way to use it. So I can't deal with this dragon.

He shot another laser at me. I jumped out of the way again, cursing under my breath.

In a second, the robot dragon was frozen. I saw Gray and Happy come from around the corner. "There She is!" Gray said. "Aye!"

"Don't mess this up (y/n)!" Gray yelled as happy grabbed onto my shirt.

"You don't have to worry about that!" Happy flew me up to the hill so I could perform my spell.

"Wait a minute..where's Cosmo?" I asked.
"She's with Natsu! After you left, The Mean Rogue tried attacking her! Luckily, Lily acted in time but Cosmo has a deep wound on her arm. Wendy is trying to heal her right now." Happy answered

I felt my teeth grind and my fists clench.

"Here we are!" He said as he landed.

"Okay Happy, stand back a little, I don't know how powerful this spell is." I sat down with my legs criss-crossed. I sat up straight lifted my chin and closed my eyes. I began to perform the spell.

"Janus, my dear Father, please lend me your strength." I said.

I began to chant the spell. After a few words, the wind around me began getting stronger, I started to glow red, and I started to give off immense magic power. After a few more words my head hurt. I felt like it was going to explode actually. But it didn't stop me.
I heard Happy say my name a little worriedly. The pain from my head transferred to my voice. I was groaning the chant. I was almost done.
Something was in my body.

My eyes shot open. I looked at Happy. He had a terrified face. "Are you okay (y/n)" he asked.

"Yes." I said bluntly.

I couldn't really control my actions. It was like something else was controlling my own body.

This spell....it was powerful.

I glanced off the edge of the hill. The Dragons were raiding the city. Magic attacks were being sent left and right. The feeling was weird. All I wanted to do was kill.

I saw Dragons everywhere. Laxus, Sting, Rogue, and even Cobra were all fighting them off. but the Dragons over powered them.
wait a minute
"What the hell was Cobra doing here? Yeesh.." I said

"I HEARD THAT!" Cobra yelled back from the distance.
"Yeah... of course you did." I muttered.

"Hey happy." I mumbled.

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