14. Getting to know Sting

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We heard sounds of fighting not too far and ran their way. Orga and Rufus were casting spells left and right, taking out several guild members at a time.

"Where the hell is (Y/N)!?" Sting shouted over all the commotion.

"She's inside fighting the guild master." Orga smirked.

"You absolute fools! Why would you let her do that on her own when she is unable
to use magic right now!" I yelled.

Rufus and Orga both went pale.

She hasn't finished her healing process and her body is in no shape to take on any sort of battle. As I was figuring out a plan I noticed a bright light shine through the windows of a nearby building, which I presumed to be the guild.

Sting and I, without hesitation, ran to save her. I heard her broken screams.
My heart felt heavy.
I couldn't help but feel guilty.

Sting and I bursted through the door. The room was filled with some sort of black substance. I knew it wasn't shadow magic.

I took my finger and glazed it over the substance. Stings eyebrow rose as we both looked at each other.


"Who the hell are you!?"
A man yelled. He had bown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing mostly black.



My eyes were barely open. I couldn't move a muscle in my body. I felt so weak, disappointed, and quite frankly confused on how I got myself in this situation.

The guild master was about to attack when suddenly Rogue ran in front of me and blocked it.

"Sting!" he yelled.

"Get her to safety. I'll handle this sad excuse of a wizard."

"I have business to finish with dear (Y/N), if you wouldn't mind getting out of my-"


I covered my face as dirt and rocks went everywhere.

Sting picked me up bridal style and ran me outside.
"Don't you worry (Y/N), you'll be okay."

I moaned in response.
i heard the sound of Rogue fighting in the distance. Sting set me down against a tree.
My whole body ached.

"Don't leave." I mumbled to sting. My eyes opened and I could see the empathy he has for me.
"I won't."
"I feel so pathetic ..."
Sting open his mouth to say something as Rufus and Orga finished off the rest of the members.

"That was easy." Orga laughed.

Sting gave him a wide eye and tilted his head at me in fast motion.

"so...easy." Was the last thing I said before passing out.

I woke up to my body being slammed to the ground.

"STING! YOU IDIOT!" I heard Rogue yell.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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