Chapter 8: Worries

Start from the beginning

I put the letter in the box that has many other letters that I have written in the past. Although they were all the same with different topics, I think this one is a bit more special than the rest. But at the same time, they're all important to me. Along with the gold crown he gave me when we first met and other stuff he brought me when we went outside of the palace. I've never worn them ever since because they were too valuable to me.

"Ah! Ijekiel!" I looked at the clock and noticed it's already past our talking time. Well, I gotta at least apologize to him!

I grabbed my bracelet and cloak but kept the same dress on. I don't have time to change!


I appeared right in front of him. He looks at me with a worried face. "I thought something had happened to you!" He said. "Is it my fault? Should I stop bothering you?" He flusters.

"No! I was just busy with other stuff, that's all." I reassured him. "... I can stay for another 10 minutes to make up the time" I scratch the back of my neck.

"No no! You don't need to do that!" He said. "I mean if you're too busy and alright with you..."

"It's fine with me, Ijekiel," I told him. He looks at me in fascination.

"Ok, my lady"

We sat across from each other and talked about his life. I would give him advice or thoughts about it and tried my best not to expose myself. He told me something that embarrassed him and I snicker at it. I hope he stays cute like this forever, but I know that's most likely never going to happen because he's growing up.

"My lady.." He slightly blushed. "May I ask a question?"

"What is it?" I smiled at his adorable child's face.



Huh? I was no longer facing him again but another. I was shocked to see such a familiar face. First, I felt contentment and warmth inside my heart, but soon sadness and anxiety came into the mix. The longer I stared at him, the more blurry it got as tears filled my eyes. But I knew who it was despite my horrible vision.

"Daddy!" I jump up and he catches me with a surprised look. I hug his neck tight. "I miss you! Where have you been all this time?!"

"Why are you asking me that?" He hugs me back and lets out a chuckle. "I told you I'll be gone for a long time! At least I came back right?"

He pulls away from me and wipes my tears with his hand. "Why must you cry? Crying is for weak people. I thought you were stronger than that" He gives me a soft grin.

"I just miss you!" I hugged him. "Don't ever leave me!" I cried and sucked up my tears.

After our reunion, he teleports us to the field and sets up a table for us. As we drank our tea and I ate my desserts, we were back in our old routine! I eat the sweet desserts to my heart's content and he stares at me with a questionable face. "You have gotten fatter since I left. Should we add an exercise class to your schedule?" He asked.

"That's what dancing for!" I have been practicing how to dance all sorts of moves and signatures! "The new dance teacher praised me so much that she said I was like a fairy!" It's probably due to genes that I got from my mother since she's a dancer too.

" that so?" He sips his tea then a gloomy atmosphere surrounds him while I smile brightly in the light. "May we talk about that 'time' today?"

"What do you mean papa?"

"I mean why were you with him?" He gives me a serious look. I get chills that make my spine shiver.

"O-Oh! That time!" I dropped my fork. How can I forget about Ijekiel?! "He's just a friend I've been seeing ever since you left, daddy!" I put on an innocent face.

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