"Oh! Bloody hell!" Newt cried. We all let out a huge groan.

"Again!" Teresa shouted. "We can do this! This is going to work!"

"Alright, get ready Minho!" Thomas shouted, just as Teresa started swinging herself. This time she gained so much momentum that she slammed into Minho who let out a groan as he pushed her, and she practically flew into the bar that separated the edge from the lever, and she grasped it, making us all burst into cheers.

"Yes!" I cheered, as Teresa pulled the lever down a tad, so that she was low enough to sit on the concrete floor and untie her self. Frantically, she untied the rope from around her ankle, beaming as she did it, then stood up, and grabbed the closest person to the edge where she was standing, which was me.

In a nauseating experience, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her, and I felt her tugging at my rope around my ankle, and when the rope released me, I felt my body fall, and Teresa let out a gasp as people yelled my name. Before I could fall down the hole to my death, Teresa grabbed my wrist, and with my other hand, I gripped the thin concrete slab that served as the floor under Teresa's feet.

"Hold on!" Teresa yelled, her voice strained, and she started to pull me up, groaning as she did. I helped as best as I could, and before I knew it, I was laying on the ground, breathing heavily, safe, and far away from the edge.

"There's got to be a safer way to do this," I heard Newt say, and I sat up, then began to think.

"Maybe we just need to pull you farther onto over the ground or lower you down more," I suggested, and looked to Teresa, who nodded.

"Let's try both," she announced and grabbed the lever again, looking at the boys worried faces. "Hold on boys!" she yelled and put the lever down just a bit, making them all cry out from the sudden jolt.

Now that they were lower down we were able to pull them farther in. Newt was the closest on to me, so I got him untied first while Teresa got Minho.

"Hold onto my legs," I instructed Newt, after I pulled him to me, and he wrapped his arms around my legs. When I was down to one knot and told him to let go of my legs, and I untied to last knot, and he fell to the floor with a grunt.

"That was uncomfortable, but it worked," he groaned, rubbing the back of his head.

"Suck it up," I laughed and helped him to his feet and gave him a pat on the cheek. "I'm the only one that actually almost fell to my death."

Minho got untied successfully as well, along with Thomas and Frypan.

"Is everyone okay?" Thomas asked when we were all safe, but slightly bruised.

"You're not anymore!" a sinister voice seethed, and we swiveled around to see Barkley emerging from the shadows, clutching a gun, which pointed straight at us.

"Listen man, we don't mean any harm," Thomas reassured. "We just need to get out of here."

He chuckled, and raised a walkie-talkie to his ear. "Janson, I've got them, don't shoot us!" he growled into it, then laughed at our expressions.

Janson? I was not ready to go back to WICKED. I looked at Thomas and we exchanged a look. We needed to get past this guy.

I lunged at the man at the same time Thomas did, and we gave a couple hits to the guys gut, but he pushed us back, glaring.

"You little shits!" he cried and cocked the gun, taking a step closer to us, and I felt Newts hand grab my waist protectively.

A gun shot went off.

We frantically searched for a gunshot wound on one of us, but our questions were answered when Barkley's body dropped to the ground, and behind it was Brenda, a small smudge of smoke waltzing through the air out of her pistol.

We stood in shock, staring at her emotionless face. "C'mon let's go!" she shouted, and ran off, and we followed, snapping us awake.

We ran in a fury through the warehouse, back through the way we came, until we ran into Jorge, who looked absolutely frazzled, one gun in each hand. 

"Follow me!" he yelled, and we obeyed, hoping over crates, skidding through hallways, crashing into the walls at tight turns. 

As we ran I began to notice why we were running. People dressed in black armor were running around, shooting down anyone in there way with large guns. I couldn't tell if there bullets were lethal or only stunning, but either way I was scared. We were running away from them, and they were looking for us. WICKED was here. Over our pounding, frantic footsteps I heard the drone of multiple helicopters through the thin walls of the warehouse, and I began to doubt that we'd escape them this time. 

Jorge skidded to a stop at an large open wall, that looked over a terrifying drop that ended in mounds of sand, dirt, and pieces of building. Our leader looked out of the opening then reached up to the ceiling and pulled something out. It looked like a strip of rough fabric hanging around a rope. Then I realized. 

(A/N - Sorry if this was so confusing to read! If you're confused, watch the actual movie and you might be less confused.)

We were going to be zip lining. A rope stretched from our building, over the giant pit, to the building on the other side. My stomach dropped as Jorge turned to us, grin profusely. 

"Alright! Let's go! Follow me!" He shouted and before any of us could reply he let out a happy whoop, tightened his grip on the fabric and ran out the opening. 

"Oh crap," I muttered, and I unconsciously grabbed Newts hand firmly, my breath getting caught in my throat. The one thing I feared was heights. I feared falling with every fiber in my body, and that fear made me tremble. 

"Hey," Newt uttered, taking my other hand. "It's fine." 

"I'm freaking scared of heights Newt!" I yelled as Minho grabbed another loop of fabric and wrapped it around his wrist, then followed Jorge's example, sliding at full speed down the rope, growing farther and farther away from us. 

"You can do this!" He yelled over the hum and buzz of copters. He smiled and looked down at me, but not before glancing at Frypan who was getting ready to go. "We need to go now!" 

I opened my mouth, about to protest, then I realized that he was right. Frypan zipped out of view and it was our turn. Newt gave me a quick smile and gestured in a gentlemanly way. "You first," he grinned and I rolled my eyes. 

"I just want to get this over with!" I took a loop of fabric, drew a breath, closed my eyes and ran with my shaky legs until the floor beneath me gave way. Air began to hiss beside my ears, my hair whipping behind me. It was a nice feeling, until I opened my eyes and my heart skipped a beat. 

That's when my fingers slipped, and my body dropped from the line. 

(A/N - Sorry this took so long to write! It was very hard to describe what was happening, so I wouldn't be mad if y'all thought it sucked. Hopefully it'll get better as I go along.)

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