|Chapter 1: The Proposal|

|Addison's POV |

I walked into school Monday morning, just a normal day. I got to my locker ignoring everyone in my way - i've never been one for having friends, i spend all my time alone and i wouldn't say i liked it, i would say i have gotten used to it thought
I opened up my locker to see a note fall to the floor, i ignored it thinking someone must have accidentally put it in there. I took out the books i needed before picking the note up. I put the note in my bag so as soon as someone realised what they had done, i could hand it straight over

I walked into homeroom to see somebody's eyes on me, someone who's eyes has never been on me before so i am mega confused on the sudden interest
I took out my phone and began to scroll for Facebook, this class is basically just registration with any announcements and the occasional assembly. 
 That was soon over and then began classes, his eyes still locked onto me no matter who was around him. I walked to my next class to my luck i could escape him for this class as he doesn't take this subject 
"You have eyes on you" Some boy said, i looked over to him to and he nodded to the door where HE stood again.. i don't get it

I walked back over to my locker at lunch time put unnecessary books away, as i opened it a note fell again, i shook my head and placed it in my bag again before heading outside to my usual spot
I sat down by my tree and took my lunch out of my bag, i began to munch on carrot sticks when my mind went back to the notes, i took both of them out of my bag to see they were actually addressed to me 

'Hi Addison,

I know we have never really spoken but could you meet me by the music room before school starts please?

I read that through and through to try and understand J.H.. That cannot be him, it would explain why his eyes were on me
I took out the second note to read

'Hi Addison, 

I don't know if you got my note before hand but if you didn't here's to 2nd try.
Could you meet me by the entrance at lunch


I looked over to the entrance, i could see it where i was stood and there he was stood there looking around, i stood up bringing his attention to me. I nodded to him and signalled for him to come over and within seconds he had raced over
"Hi" i said shyly
"hey" he said taking a seat next to me
"what can i help you with?" i asked he looked at me worried, as if he was worried about how i was going to respond
"Let's not start with that, how are you" he asked scratching the back of his neck
"I'm okay, you on the other hand look like you are about to crap yourself" i said chuckling, he smiled at me, i picked up my carrots and offered him one which he gladly took
"Still curious as to what Mayborne High's Mr popular would want with a girl who nobody ever looks twice at" i said grabbing his attention again, he looked at me and pulled a face
"I wouldn't say nobody looks twice, most people don't know you because you don't really make yourself known" he said i shrugged knowing he was right
"if i had made myself known i could guarantee there would have been a lot more drama then i have had" i said poking my tongue out
"Soooo I ask again, what can i help you with" i said making him look at me again while i took a sip of my water

"I need you to be my girlfriend" he said making me spit all my water out all over him

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