"Of course I did."

"Well, I'll see you after school. Bye Annabeth." With that I ran a hand through my hair and walked to my class before the bell rang.

I couldn't get Annabeth out of my head for the rest of the day. As much of a know-it-all she is, Annabeth was really nice sometimes yet intimidating, and not to mention she's gorgeous. Annabeth has these calculating grey eyes that stare into your soul and beautiful blonde princess curls- wait, what is happening? Why am I thinking of Annabeth and talking about her like this? I can't be doing this, I do not have a crush on Annabeth Chase. I do not have a crush on Annabeth. I do not have a crush on Annabeth. I do not have a crush on Annabeth. Holy shit, I think I have a crush on Annabeth. Way to fuck up your feelings Percy, this is going to make everything so much more awkward.

. . .

The school was torture, I couldn't get Annabeth out of my head. I was already at home sitting at the dining table working on some homework even though I suck at homework. The scent of blue cookies in oven was filling the room and now it was basically impossible to focus on anything but those cookies, my mouth was now starting to water. My mom decided to whip up some blue cookies when she found out I was having someone over to work on a project so she was in the kitchen right now, Estelle was sitting in the living room watching Finding Nemo, I swear she has an obsession with Disney movies but I find it adorable because she thinks all the Disney princesses are real. Estelle's favorite Disney movies are The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Moana and Finding Nemo. I'm pretty sure she could reenact all of those movies word by word, that's how much she has seen all of those movies.

 I was snapped out of my thoughts by the doorbell, holy crap that must be Annabeth. It's okay, just take deep breathes, it's totally not like you can't stop thinking about this girl. I walked up to the door and with zero hesitation opened the door and there she was, her beautiful hair was tied back into messy ponytail, she had her same light blue JanSport backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Hey, Annabeth. "

"Hey, Percy."

"Um, come on in." I opened the door wider, inviting her in. "As I said at school you're kinda gonna have to meet my mom," I said as led her to the kitchen where my mom was standing, she had a streak of flour on her face and some on her hands. After me clearing my throat she acknowledged that we were both standing there. "Mom, this is Annabeth. She's my partner in a project."

My mom wiped her hand on her apron and shook Annabeth's hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you Annabeth."

"The honor is mine, Mrs. Jackson-"

"Please, call me Sally, you seem like a very nice young lady."

"Thank you, Mrs. Ja- Sally. You seem very respectable, I wonder how you gave birth to this." Annabeth gestured to me and my mom just laughed. 

Before I could even respond  to defend myself my mom answered, "I wonder that sometimes too." So now both Annabeth and my mom were laughing at me, they were going to get along great. 

"Hey!" finally realized that Annabeth just made fun  of me with my own mother which made them laugh even more. It wasn't long before Estelle came to see who our new visitor was, she stared at Annabeth awestruck, is that how I look when I see Annabeth?

"Hi," Annabeth said to Estelle with a little wave, her voice was very gentle and sweet.

"Are you Cinderella?" Estelle asked with wide eyes. I had to hold back the urge to laugh, I could see in the corner of my eye mom was too, the best part was the facial expression on Annabeth's face, she looked shocked like she didn't know what to say.

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