Scene 9: Thrown Away (POV: Shad)

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A sliver of sun shined through the leaves as I neared the village.

This would usually be the place I find her, when she was feeling down.

I pushed through the under hanging leaves, expecting to see Irene sitting on the edge of the cliff that overlooked a lake.

But only empty grass remained.

I stood there, my feelings boiling. Confusion swarmed me. Why wasn't she here? But also, why did I expect her to be here?

Maybe she was with Esmund, caring for him, healing his wounds. Maybe she didn't care anymore.

But why wouldn't she care.

We shared a kiss together, one full of longing and grasping wants. He stole it away. He is the villain here.

I stared at the sun a little bit longer, then turned around to face the small village behind me.

A breeze sounded, then everything quieted.

My senses alerted. I was being tracked.

I fingered the blade by my side, but continued standing there with my head up high.

Where, is, the, attacker...

Suddenly a silver sword flashed and I found myself parrying a heavy strike.

A burst of wind flew as I jumped back, my gaze furious.

A guard was standing before me. But it was not Esmund, nor any of the Divine Warriors.

It was... a normal village guard from Scaleswind.

He looked at me and sneered. Then waved his hand in the air like a signal.

Immediately, swarms of guards came to surround me. Not all from Scaleswind, I realized. Some uniforms bore the crests of other towns too.

The one who had attacked me stepped forward again.

"Surrender, now."

His voice was bold, but underneath I sensed a bit of fear.

His weakness.

I flashed my sword down in a quick swipe, shaking the ground around me.

My body began to transform. A shadow. A knight. A lord.

"Hahahahaha... You think I will just surrender... to you?"

My voice became twisted and menacing.

The guard's eyes widened with fear, and I took the opportunity.

With a charge, I reached to stab deep into his neck, and I felt him go limp on my sword.

I heaved it out and readied my stance again, daring anyone else to try and come forward.

"Stop," another guard suddenly commanded me. "You are outnumbered, we have so many guards backing us, there is no way you can beat us all."

My mind boiled with anger. "I am SHAD. I have the power of a Divine Warrior. Do you think ANYONE can beat me?!"

I felt power surging through me, and I started advancing on the guards, determinedly.

But within moments, guards rushed at me, slashing their swords, aiming for weak spots in my armor.

The cliff was chaos. I tried to ward off all the attackers, swinging furiously and violently.

But then... I started to fail.

I felt a hard boot kick me in the crook of my back, and I collapsed forward.

Another's sword pierced at the surface of my skin, while someone else's dug deep.

Agony filled me and I howled in pain. My shadow knight form started to fail.

The guards kicked me and battered me until I couldn't breathe anymore.

"You are BANISHED from the overworld, now and forever," one smirked as he said this.

There was only one thing on my mind now, and I let out a small chuckle as I said it out loud.

"But... I can't die."

Then I blacked out, because even the strongest fail sometimes.

Two Days Later

I sat up, gaze hazy, back aching,

Everything that surrounded me was a dark red, menacing and active with fire.

"Loud... It's so loud," I croaked out.

I could hear lava splashing against netherock, weathering away at the rock.

Nothing colorful was in sight. No trees, no lifeforms.

I knew where I was.

They had exiled me to the Shadow Realm. A place of horridness, a place of terror.

I let my eyes close again, and felt the hard warm gravel beneath me.

"Irene..." I breathed.

"Irene, why did you do this to me. What did I ever do to you..."

My hand balled up, and I palmed the dirt in my hands.

Suddenly, my rage flared and I sat up.

"IRENE!" I howled, throwing my palmful of gravel into the distance.

Once again, I felt my shadow form overtake me, and I stood up in satisfaction.

"Irene, I will find you and make you wish you were never alive."

Divine Warriors - Irene the Matronحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن