Scene 3: First Encounter(POV: Irene + Shad)

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10 years later

"Let me go with you, Lady Irene," Esmund called out, grabbing his sword and shield.

I shook my head. "I am just going to help the villagers with their corrupted land, there is no need for your strength here."

He nodded and turned back into the tent.

I stared at the flaps for a second, smiling, then I left for the village located not far over the horizon.

At the Village

The moment I arrived, two villagers immediately approached me.

Barren lands, much like the ones I've seen in every other village surrounded them.

But there was something a little different.

"Irene," the man spoke out, seeing that I was eyeing the dirt behind them. "This plague is because of... him."

"Him?" I asked in a quiet voice, turning on my outside barrier.

The man continued to speak, "Yes, we call him the Shadow..."

I stared up at the blue sky to clear my thoughts, then looked at the two villagers again. "Why?" I asked.

"No one has ever seen his face. He hides in the forest."

"He only comes to vandalize our crops. We've been dealing with this for two years..."

"He leaves destruction wherever he goes, which is why our Lord has placed a bounty on his head."

I looked at the crops behind them in interest. "I'll heal this land's soil if you tell me where I can find this... 'Shadow' you speak of." I finally declared.

The elderly man immediately shook his head. "Irene no..."

The woman continued, "Please, we understand you are a blessed child but this man is dangerous. He could rival someone like you. Please, our village knights are taking care of this."

Something they said had caught my interest. "When you say rival someone like me," I began, "What do you mean exactly?"

The woman's voice shuddered as she said, "He has powers, very strong ones. We've been living under his thumb."

I spoke under my breath, "He has powers like me? Interesting..." Then I raised my voice, "I want to meet him. Tell me, where is he?"

The two elderly villagers immediately interrupted me, "Irene do you understand that you are the best thing that happened to this land."

"Never did we think a goddess would walk among us to heal our sick. We cannot lose you."

I let out a small laugh. "Please, do not praise me as such. I am born a human with unnatural powers. I am no goddess. Now please, allow me to help your village. Where can I find this shadow?"

The woman sighed and groaned in dismay, but she finally said. "In the forest yonder. They say he lurks in there, which is why no one travels too deep inside."

I nodded thoughtfully, then replied, "You have my thanks, now, let me help you."

I walked over to the hurting soil and set my hand down onto it. With a flash of white light, the land was healed and full again. Some of my energy drained away. But still I headed into the forest like nothing was wrong.


I sensed footsteps entering my forest. They were coming closer. I pressed myself against the bark behind me.

A gorgeous young maiden walked in front of my tree and failed to see me. She had black raven hair, golden amber eyes, and a black and gold dress that made her seem like royalty.

Divine Warriors - Irene the Matronحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن