Scene 5: New Connections (POV: Irene + Shad)

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I brought up power and a bright light flashed. My energy drained away, and I struggled to stay standing.

The woman with blue eyes and black hair stumbled back. "I... I can't believe this."

"Mommy, you're better!" the little boy said eagerly.

"It's... It's a miracle! Thank you! Oh, thank you stranger!" the woman continued to speak.

I nodded. "It's not a problem at all."

The green eyed man stepped forward with hope in his eyes. "Please, heal me next."

Speaking slowly and with hesitation, I responded, "My apologies. I am unable to do any more healing for a while. If I push myself further, there's a chance I'll lose consciousness for a very long time."

Seeing the light diminish from his eyes, I quickly continued. "I'll be here in a few days again, and I promise to heal you."

The man nodded. "That's fine, anything! I'm just glad to know I won't have to suffer for much longer."

The pain in his voice was unmistakable, but there was a hint of relief as well.

It still made my heart hurt. "Well, maybe I..." I hesitated, then reached forward and hovered my hands above the man. Another flash of white light appeared, and I could feel his inside wounds disappear.

My head swirled and I gasped in pain.

"Oh! Are you okay?" the woman asked.

"Lady? You don't have to do that..." another man standing close said earnestly.

The man I healed stared at me in awe.

"No worries. I just need to rest," I tried to say without grunting. "Please, let me walk."

The green eyed man nodded. "Anything! My home is open to you for this. Please."

I chuckled without energy. "I'll be fine, no need to worry." Then I walked away onto the path leading into the forest.

As I was walking, I heard the townspeople speak, "I hope she'll be okay. Did we get her name?"

"I'm afraid not. She just began healing and then... left."

"I hope she'll be back. She's an angel."

I walked faster, pushing down my nausea and eager to find some privacy, and I found myself standing near the roots of a tree in the forest.

I panted with exhaustion.

Without hesitation, I sat down against the tree and leaned comfortably against it. I felt a little bit of energy flow back into my limbs.

"Umphh!" A grunt of pain distracted my thoughts.

Hmm? I thought.

Standing up, I walked towards the origin of the sound.

The grunting continued as I saw scaled armor behind a tree.

"Ugh. I wasn't expecting an ambush. Next time I'll..." Shad stopped and turned around. "Huh?"

He pulled out his sword with a swipe. "Who's there?!"

I stood there unmoving.

"You!" Shad grunted, his voice mixed with emotions.

My voice was tired as I said, "That looks painful."

Shad let out a laugh as he mocked me. "Hardly."

I refused to let him get the better of me. "Then why were you grunting in pain?"

Shad let out a noise in disbelief, and I walked over to him.

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