Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I had one interview with an older couple when I walked in the Kaya I was instantly hit with a strong smell of alcohol.

"Hi guys I'm" The lady introduced herself along with her husband but I couldn't focus. I maintained eye contact with the older women and her piercing green eyes had brought me back to memories of my mother. I was young but little things like that slightly trigger me.

"Sweetie what is your name?" the lady asked and the older man looked annoyed.

"Oh sorry I'm Tambree," I said with s slight smile. The couple was obviously more interested in keeping conversation with Kaya so that's where all their conversation was directed toward until they asked me to leave the room. I walked out and seen Avery mid panic attack and next thing I knew I was being dragged into another interview.


"Our file says your a room leader what does that mean." Thomas had asked with his strong accent

"The house into 2 sections boys and girls which is also divided into 3 subsections ages 5-8, 9-13, 14-17. I am in charge of 9-13. So I have to make sure they all keep there stuff organized when group outings I have to keep everyone in my room together with simple stuff like that." I said and they nodded.

"You seem to look out for Avery a lot." They said and I nodded.

"Yeah here in the orphanage shes at the "low chance" age is what the kids call it since not a lot of people want a kid 9-11 because those are really vital for developmental ages. They either want you before that or after not during. Everyone makes fun of her for it. So someone has to be there for her." I said and they both smile. They asked us both some more questions then sent us back to the common area.

When we got back Isabella and Kaya were talking about Kaya's interview.

"Look at Tambree taking away poor Avery's time to shine in an interview. Looks like shes not as sweet and innocent as you're made out to be huh?" Isabella said

"Just ignore them," I said sitting on the couched nearest to the book shelve with Avery. A lot more kids were in an out of interviews until Ms. Janice came out with Thomas and Dove with a smile on her face.

"Avery. Tambree." She said gaining our attention she looked at us with the biggest smile. This couldn't be true. "Pack your bags you're getting adopted." She said and it felt like a lucid dream. Kaya and Isabella looking angry. Kids clapping and Thomas and Dove walking over to us to give us the biggest hug.

Everything I Wanted {Domas}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon